Foresters is Trying My Patience

I'm with Newby's recommendation but I'd make sure RNA is in the mix. When you look at their complete package of sensible SIWL UW, great renewals and a really solid fully UW whole life to me they are hard to beat.

With regards to the kind of BS that NFL went through in his post, that kind of stuff would never in a million years happen at RNA. When you need something you speak to an UW that has full access to your case and can fix anything that needs fixing.

To me in FE no one carrier does it all but those 4 plus Vantis for your GI stuff you'll place 95% of your stuff with solid comp and good renewals.
they came out with a simplified issue true whole life about 6 months ago. I beleive it goes up to 250,000.

As always it can be a lliitle bit of a pain because if you speak with three underwriters on what you might need as far as paperwork is concerned you can get three different answers. An example is when you have a 15 year old that is closer to 16. According to some, He must sign the contract, although he is technically only 15. Yet others will tell you his guardian must sign.

I have a hard time taking information from young adults as they are far too often WRONG!!!!

That's interesting. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought everyone under the sun has to be 18 to get their own?
I wrote a SIWL on a 15 year old kid at Foresters. At first I was told he could not sign it so I had his parent sign it. Then when I sent it in to get approved they sent me an email telling me the kid had to sign it because he was 15 but his nearest to age was 16.
Equitable writes 100K at all ages.. Level, Graded, ROP products. Premium can be steep but it is FE underwriting.

I sold a $17,000 annual premium Equitable last year to a lady (100k face). High but she couldn't get anything else until she had a years worth of records from a PCP. One of those ladies that never goes to the doctor.
I first started using Equitable about 2 and a half years ago. At that time they bought quite well and had a fairly decent phone interview. AFter using them for a year or so they did an about face on their buying practices. At first they would ask the client what a specific med use was for and they would go by what they said, as in water retention/congestive heart failure meds, just as an example. Later on they didn't even bother asking what a med was being used for, they just automaticaly asumed the worst and started dishing out graded and modified calls like they were going out of style.