Generating Referrals

I know several Financial Planners, who have absolutely no interest in selling health or life or DI, and I stop by on a weekly, or semi-monthly basis, just to say "hi", and to give them a "what's up" with health. That's where I get most of my leads.

What do you talk about regarding "what's up" in the world of health insurance (e.g., new products, prices, etc.)?
What I talk about:

HDHP's with/without HSA's
New Products
Who NOT to send to me (Diabetics, etc.)
Warnings of any inferior products/companies that they might be approached by (UA, NASE, Discount Plans)
Medicare Supplement changes
Medicare Advantage Plans
Explain (for the umpteenth millionth time) how Dr. copays have nothing to do with deductibles
How STM might be a viable option for 63 yr olds, until they reach Medicare (be careful on this one - it's not recommended for everyone)

It's all done very informally. Keep it on the top of their minds. Any way they can bring in a specialist, it solidifies their relationship with their clients. I have found that, with minimal to no follow up after the sale, the persistency is great.
Exeed your client's expectations. If you do not, nothing will work.

The only thing I would add is to stay in touch with them with personal letters. Know their interests, hobbies and as much information about them and/or their business as you can.

Nothing impresses them more than for you to indicate that you remember them as a person, not just as a client or prospect. (I have gotten referrals from prospects who didn't take insurance with me.)

Every time the subject of insurance comes they will want to "brag" on their agent. This will get you tons of referrals.