Getting Customer Testimonials

So, as much as I love discussing how many field goals the point guard got on the baseball field yesterday :goofy:, would it be okay if we got back to the topic on hand?

I understand some of you just make testimonials up but I'm not looking to do that. Any practical advice from those who have successfully gotten testimonials from real clients? Thanks!! :)

When you get a client who praises you for your professionalism, ask if they would mind being quoted with just their first name. More than 2 or 3 is too much hot air.
I simply email them after I have closed business with them.

I tell them that other people might be more at ease to discuss my financial products ( and better their situation ) knowing that other real people have positive things to say about their experience working with me.

I tell them that if I use their quote, I will remove it anytime they request me to.

I then post them on my website under "client testimonials"

I think this is a win-win for everyone.
Bill think I should take these off my website? My thoughts....there's no such thing as too many testimonials:1cool:
Agree! I've already had people call and say "I see you insure so and so and they had some nice things to say about you"...when you add a name, town and even a picture of someone it makes it more believable and increases credibility.

My thoughts....ask for them and use them. People love to help and if you ask them to help you with a marketing program that you are doing, they will gladly help by providing you with a nice words to use to endorse your product.

Ive had very, very few reject my request for testimonials.
"My thoughts....there's no such thing as too many testimonials "

I absolutely agree. The more the better. No one is forced to read them if they choose not to.

And...if someone sees you have 50 testimonials, they would probably think...."no one would go to the trouble nor take the time to make this much stuff up."

I let my client decide how they want their signature on the quote.

I think you'll find that, if you have a strong relationship with a client and ask them for a testimonial, many will say "just write one and I'll sign it." So do it. If they sign it, it's an honest letter.

Also, if possible, ask if you can include the name of the company they work for or own, and include that on your ads. That takes away (a bit, at least) the notion that it's a made-up letter.

There's a big difference between advertising with and without testimonials. Anyone can say something good about themselves; when someone else says something good about you, that's much better.

I would just ask but I would preface the request with something like... "I really value working with folks just like yourself. Would you be willing to help me out with a testimonial. I think if other folks were able to see how I helped you, then others like yourself would feel more confident that I could help them as well."

The idea is to compliment them for being such a good client then I think they feel much more inclined to help out.