Getting Leads

This is the Oldest Question in Business!!

Reach Thousands of Prospects Every Day

Easy as 1 - 2 - 3

Step 1 | Record Your Voice Message

Step 2 | Upload Your Phone Number List

Step 3 | Sit Back & Get Results!

The New technology is Voice Broadcasting!
Sorry but its what works best, for cheapest price!
Are the leads on vacation????

You could say that.

Is there such a thing in this industry "as a source for good leads"?

I actually pull leads fresh leads on a daily basis via county recorder office. My company pulls new mortgages as soon as it is filed at the county recorders office. And we also work with pre-foreclosure and foreclosure leads as well. If you are in need of new mortgage leads, depending on what state you're located,We may can help you. We currently collect data in GA, FL, AZ, NV some of IL, IN and KY. You can contact me via email @ [email protected]
NONE....You need to work a combination of things consistently, using many sources. then u will have great luck. a daily work model is what you really need to see it in action. i would be glad to pass it on.
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There is no easier sell than a referral!!!!!! You just have to ask for them

If you dont ask for referrals every time, consistently you are missing the boat. They will never be more receptive than when they just trusted you with their life and handed you a check, credit card or account information!

Everyone has either seen the sales presentation DVD showing how to get referrals, has seen it during training or hopefully has their own successful way to get referrals at the table every time.

REMEMBER THE RULE: 20% of clients will always give referrals, 20% will never give referrals and 60% will give them WHEN THEY ARE ASKED!!!

NOTE: This rule is different when it comes to wrapping a presentation/application with burial assistance/life insurance and critical illness...80% will always take it if it is presented as part of the plan, 20% may take it IF YOU TRY TO ADD IT ON AS AN "ADD ON" and 20% will always say no! Always add it and present it as part of the plan.
If you do what is right by the client they will gladly give referrals. Just remember word of mouth is the best adverstisement