
1000 Post Club
Not gonna happen lads.

Medicare at 55?

Public option?

GI for all.

They mean the same thing. Which is an expansion of govt.
Govt. coverage means GI coverage.
They got nothing. They'll push through some piece of nonsense with some minor "improvements" and then declare "victory." As much as they p*ss and moan, people don't want it. Today, dealing with this couple who live in Mass. and also another state. I wonder why they just don't go out and get themselves a Mass. plan?
Next election, we'll still be chill'n in the middle east and Barry is gone.
Not gonna happen lads.

Medicare at 55?

Public option?

GI for all.

They mean the same thing. Which is an expansion of govt.
Govt. coverage means GI coverage.
They got nothing. They'll push through some piece of nonsense with some minor "improvements" and then declare "victory." As much as they p*ss and moan, people don't want it. Today, dealing with this couple who live in Mass. and also another state. I wonder why they just don't go out and get themselves a Mass. plan?
Next election, we'll still be chill'n in the middle east and Barry is gone.

Don't know about GI for all but there will be GI for any plan that qualifies for subsidy or credit most likely. It will also be controlled by which plans are allowed or not allowed on to the exchange.

Of course if I could see the frigging Senate bill that might help.
Don't know about GI for all but there will be GI for any plan that qualifies for subsidy or credit most likely. It will also be controlled by which plans are allowed or not allowed on to the exchange.

Its all over except for this isn't it?
The subsidies / credits and which plans will be "exchange approved."
Again, we believe that the 3 aforementioned items are just like the exchange and it's subsidy / credit "worthy" offerings.
Another phase out move. That's all. "How do we F up private carriers." That's the m.o. They go at it directly first with their P. options and then medicare at 55, both of witch would all but put and end to indie carriers believe me unless of course those plans were sudsidized or credited to a large degree and the money is not there to do that ... it's in Iraq. Its all about the same thing. They will not get their exchange or their subsidies because if they did that would do as much harm as anything else that they have tried to enact.
If they want subsidies for gimps, who can prove they applied for a less expensive underwritten plan, maybe. And I doubt it. Outside of that they ain't gett'n jack. You'll see.
Where did you get this information? GI for all is coming, you bet it is.

Respectfully, I know i don't think so bubba.
Would you not agree that a p. option or medicare at 55 would cripple private health insurers?
Same with GI. That's game over for the privates.
They couldn't get the first two done and they won't get the third.
It's over, for the time being, the socialists lost. Sorry Al3.
Respectfully, I know i don't think so bubba.
Would you not agree that a p. option or medicare at 55 would cripple private health insurers?
Same with GI. That's game over for the privates.
They couldn't get the first two done and they won't get the third.
It's over, for the time being, the socialists lost. Sorry Al3.

I am sorry I am not following you. GI (guaranteed issue) is not even up for debate, all sides agree on this. Left and Right. BCBS association backs it as do others IF there is a MANDATE to offset the GI.

Are we talking about the same thing?
Are we talking about the same thing?

Mandate in unenforceable. And i doubt it would offset the cost of GI regardless.
They know it. GI would bancrupt indie companies by making their products unaffordable resulting in a public (govt.) plan by default. Again, same result as p. option, age 55 medicare. Just another weapon used for the same purpose. This will not be allowed.
Are Dimebags covered in the new health package? Gimme my Dimebags. I hope I don't have a copay for Dimebags. Guaranteed Issue Dimebags please Obama and Pelosi.