Gingrich on Healthcare Reform

Selling across state lines would create massive problems with oversight, a new federal body would try to form or they would massively expand HHS, then the state insurance commissioners would be in neverending pissing matches with each other.

Companies would move their offices to whatever state gave them the most lax regulation. When issues arose, the battle would be in the federal court system, not at the state level, which is exceptionally more expensive to fight in for a consumer.

Would there be any savings on the consumer side? Probably not. Costs would probably rise in less expensive areas to offset price cuts to be more competitive in urban areas, until an equilibrium that was maximizing profits could be reached by the carriers.

What really confuses me about this stance is that most Republicans claim to be on the side of allowing states to police themselves, then suggest doing stuff like this.
I just spoke with someone who is part of the task force for the upcoming arizona health exchange. Arizona is choosing NOT to do any type of regional exchanges due to all of the variables and inherent problems involved.
I just spoke with someone who is part of the task force for the upcoming arizona health exchange. Arizona is choosing NOT to do any type of regional exchanges due to all of the variables and inherent problems involved.

I'm sure IL wants to participate, but they're broke. Not sure how in the hell they'll be able to afford it, even with federal money behind them. Heck, they can't even afford to keep the side streets salted this early in the winter.
I'm sure IL wants to participate, but they're broke. Not sure how in the hell they'll be able to afford it, even with federal money behind them. Heck, they can't even afford to keep the side streets salted this early in the winter.

Not even with the tax hike Quinn brought on? Wonder how much they're spending on the Rahm Emanuel fiasco? I guess they'll just raise property taxes, too. Cook County is a great example of tax and spend. But I don't see how many states can participate - who has a surplus of money? Not even Indiana - well maybe a little surplus but don't know how long it will last and Mitch is definitely NOT happy with health Care reform.:no:
what does purchasing insurance across state lines accomplish

Nothing, but it is a talking point some politicians (and even agents) use to prove their ignorance about the way health insurance is priced.

You're stupid.

Thank you for proving my point.

a certain segment of the population that think they will pay Memphis premiums instead of NYC premiums for the same services, not the way that it works.

Sing it bro.

allowing carriers to more easily market their products across state lines, which will lead to more competition.

True, up to a point, but it also leads to market consolidation, less competition and higher prices.

Verizon & AT&T are national networks competing across and within state lines. But they cannot compete with similar services that serve regional carriers such as Metro PCS or Virgin Mobile.

I'm sure IL wants to participate, but they're broke. Not sure how in the hell they'll be able to afford it, even with federal money behind them.

In case you missed it, the feds are broke too.
Ah, but the feds have a line-of-credit!

They're charging their bills to your grandchildren (who'll work-it-off in the Chinese labor camps).

Don't believe it???
Look who's buying-up our mineral-rich lands ALL over the USA.