GM Pulls FB Ads

My niece uses it for her photography business (she shoots pics of babies and women in lingerie "Boudoir") and her husband for real estate. They don't pay anything to FB for it and get a decent amount of business from their efforts.

I guess by posting pictures of her works and pictures of his homes for sale with information people have something to see.

With insurance, what are you supposed to post pictures of, your new insurance premium? LOL I think if done right, life insurance could be marketed through it. I have a few ideas just haven't tried anything yet.
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Are you saying it won't last John?

I'm thinking the same thing BUT knowing how much information can be accessed on people with FB and stuff we may not even know, to me it is up in the air about whether there may be indirect opportunities for corporations and government to capitalize on it for an indefinite time to come.

Yes. I'm saying it won't last at the level they're currently at. As soon as they go public, the gloves are off. FB is going to get BLED DRY by investors who will be demanding a return - or they'll crash the stock and it'll be a short-sellers dream.

The ads, more or less, are not working. At least, it's not enough revenue to satisfy potential investors. The only way to drain it of every last drop of revenue is to sell or expose more and more personal information. Then it's a race to the bottom.
Facebook, because, well, its bigger.
Groupon might burst first, it you don't think it already has.

I suspect a few privacy lawsuits will cause a big collapse in facebook stock. Lawyers are just waiting for something tangible to get.

It is a different mentality between google and FB.

On FB, people are there to be nosey and follow friends, they arent there for ads and most peope, including me, dont even look at the right side of the screen.

Google, you have the mentality that you are there looking for something and are open to ads, and if one catches your eye, you are open to looking at it.

Also, The BIGGEST reason is FB security, very few people are willing to click on a site due to FB's terrible security settings and protection and you see your friends posting stuff that you know is spam often.....

You dont see or hear about this on Google.
It is a different mentality between google and FB.

Google, you have the mentality that you are there looking for something and are open to ads, and if one catches your eye, you are open to looking at it.

Exactly, there is a reason it is called Google Search, one is searching for something.

If Google is to help you find a Restaurant, Facebook is the person who is selling Roses, Singing or pushing mints in the bathroom at that Restaurant. Leave me alone, I just want to eat.

This might be the worst analogy ever. Feel free to bash.
All correct. That 16% of FB users surveyed state they don't trust clicking on a link, that's HUGE problem FB will have to overcome.

Personally, I wouldn't click anything. FB is jammed with click scams that only "take over" your account and access your information.
My businsess has been running FB ads for a few months now. Budget is pretty small, but we get a lead or two a day from it. I'd honestly say that for the price, it is worth it. Wait, I should be more clear. I KNOW it is worth it. Simple math.

My biggest gripe was when we started in the Fall, it was holiday season, and the "market" was driving up the PPC cost.

Keys to improving results are:

1) Be different. Using the phrase "insurance leads suck" seems to drive the most clicks for us.

2) Make sure your images are landscape, not portrait.

3) Don't use blue.

4) Pretty faces do work!

5) Driving people to "like" your page is easier than driving people to buy your product. That's for sure! But, a "like" is really a lead, right?

6) Expect a CTR of .02%. If you're below that, FB will stop running it. We've never had an ad higher than .03% for a sustained amount of time.

All in all, I'd say FB ads can work, but it probably depends on your market.

Another thing, before I forget, was that FB says I get 3 times the clicks that Google A says I receive from FB ads. G says it's FB's fault, and FB says it's G's fault. I had to just assume that FB was not screwing me. Blind faith, I guess.

I'd take any Google advice you all want to share. It seems we only get clicks from sites in the network, and they are almost always totally irrelevant. Our site's bounce rate, as a whole, is almost 3 times better than the bounce rate from Google ads. I've turned them off until I can figure it out...
FB says I get 3 times the clicks that Google A says I receive from FB ads. G says it's FB's fault, and FB says it's G's fault. I had to just assume that FB was not screwing me. Blind faith, I guess.

My experience was similar, but even worse. I received a $75 FB ad credit so I figured what the hell.... that credit was exhausted in about a week. FB would have me at 10-15 clicks per day, but google analytics and clicky stats both had me at about 1 or 2 clicks on those same days. This didn't happen once, it happened consistently.

FB has some serious problems with their math, which is why I will never again use them.