GM Pulls FB Ads

My results from FB were poor. I just don't understand the value they are putting on this stock. I am considering buying some long term puts on this thing when they come out and seeing if it tanks after a qtr or two.
My results from FB were poor. I just don't understand the value they are putting on this stock. I am considering buying some long term puts on this thing when they come out and seeing if it tanks after a qtr or two.

When 16 out of the last 20 "big" tech stocks are trading below the offering price, you might as fell hit the roulette table. This is no longer investing. This is merely gambling.
Let's call this what it is; the initial capital investors are sick and tired of waiting around. People/companies have invested billions, and they're sick of paying the waiting game. They want their riches and they want them now. Revenue is simply not there. Like the article above stated, the only real way to monetize it for for FB to share, trade, disclose more and more of your personal information.

Just purely my opinion, but FB is going to be bled dry over the next 5, 10 years, then dumped like an ugly prom date.
Exactly -- monetization of your personal information is a HUGE boon for FB and marketers alike.

...But this time is different, guys.

Let's call this what it is; the initial capital investors are sick and tired of waiting around. People/companies have invested billions, and they're sick of paying the waiting game. They want their riches and they want them now. Revenue is simply not there. Like the article above stated, the only real way to monetize it for for FB to share, trade, disclose more and more of your personal information.

Just purely my opinion, but FB is going to be bled dry over the next 5, 10 years, then dumped like an ugly prom date.
Exactly -- monetization of your personal information is a HUGE boon for FB and marketers alike.

...But this time is different, guys. much longer before everyone is tracked - everywhere we go - in real time. It's when facial recognition is hooked up to public cameras then linked to social media and Google:

Husband: "Wow, finally back honey. Those lines in Home Depot were huge!"

Wife: "Wanna try again?"

If you think this is years away, guess again: Using Facial Recognition Technology To Choose Which Bar To Go To - Forbes
Interesting first day for FB stock....I wonder how long until it is trading under $30 a share...I don't think anyone expected this stock to close flat on it's first day on the exchange.
FB will eventually learn the way to make money off their site is the same way Google does . . . by gathering and selling information.
Facebook has ads? The right side of my screen is blank. I use Ad Blocker Plus. I never see ANY ads anywhere much (sorry Sam).

The "millionaire next door" (I know a few) don't look at ads either. Two of them (family) call me, tell me what they want, I research it, they go into the store already knowing exactly what is the best bang for the buck. No dilly-dallying; in and out on cash or AMEX (paid off every month).

Broke folk? Addicted to "ads", walk into the store with no clue, hover over every device there, then buy the overpriced thing with all the bells and whistles that they don't really need, and slap it on whatever credit card is not maxed out.

Like night and day.