Google To Stop Showing Ads On Right Side Of Desktop Search Results

Remember that google locals are really designed to answer questions like 'whats near me for lunch', or 'where can I get my haircut?'. These are not statewide questions, they are basically answered with no more than a 10 minute drive (in most cases).

Statewide marketing is PPC, not local.

Also, google wants the business to be open when someone shows up. Searching for a spot for lunch doesn't do any good if its a catering truck that hasn't been there is 3 months.

They also don't seem to jump over other 'local' things to go more remote. Within a small amount of distance they will, but not by much.

Personally, I think its more of a play to compete with social media and Yelp, then it is about driving true revenue for google. Of course, I'm not driving 100 miles to get my pizza, no matter what Yelp says about the place!
