Going Door to Door

I saw this on another forum, this guy does it for FE but you can tailor it to any insurance, its one of the best door to door scripts i have seen yet.

The way I do It is ,(and I sell final expense life insurance by the way) between appointments. I knock on the door and when they answer it ,I say hello, my name is_____, I've got several appointments with people in your neighborhood this week concerning the supplement to their social security benefit of $255 and I wanted to see if I could set up a time to visit with you about it tomorrow,(now I open my appointment book and before they can say anything, I say) I've got a 10:30 in the morning and a 4:00 in the afternoon available, which would be more convenient for you? I am looking at my appointment book with my pen on the 10:30 time and waiting to write the one that they pick.

I find this to be very effective and set a ton of appointments this way. And I do only work by appoinment. I even go so far as to refuse to go into their home if they say "well I've got time right now, come on in." I say, i'm sorry, but I've got an appointment with Mr. and Mrs.______ in 15 minutes, but I can pencil you in for 10:30 or 4:00 tomorrow, which would you prefer?

I think this makes you look more professional and alot less desperate. It also makes them realize that you value their time (and yours)and your not just peddleing something door to door.
Wow door to door, old school it is! It takes a special person to be able to do that... why not try cold calling instead? I think you would be able to make more contacts that way...

You could also do a mailing and then knock on doors that have returned a card in the mail. I hear this method is very effective.
A few years back I had a person at my doorstep from a certain company offering quite impressive coverages for my requirement. I ended up making a fool out of myself by trusting that guy, as I gave him around 100 dollars as the first premium. He never turned up, I confirmed from the company and got to know there never was a person with that name in their company. Everything that he showed to me was fake. Investigations failed to track him. Hence, I have lost all faith any door-to-door sales person, though I am not generalizing everyone. It's my own personal experience. Only last year, I was recommended to Inproagent by my friend and the first thing I did was check their authenticity. The company has an experience of over 25 years in offering customized policies for types of requirements and pocket-size. Their highly trained staff and their ability to build strong customer relationships while providing exceptional customer service.
A few years back I had a person at my doorstep from a certain company offering quite impressive coverages for my requirement. I ended up making a fool out of myself by trusting that guy, as I gave him around 100 dollars as the first premium. He never turned up, I confirmed from the company and got to know there never was a person with that name in their company. Everything that he showed to me was fake. Investigations failed to track him. Hence, I have lost all faith any door-to-door sales person, though I am not generalizing everyone. It's my own personal experience. Only last year, I was recommended to Inproagent by my friend and the first thing I did was check their authenticity. The company has an experience of over 25 years in offering customized policies for types of requirements and pocket-size. Their highly trained staff and their ability to build strong customer relationships while providing exceptional customer service.

The company has an experience of over 25 years in offering customized policies for types of requirements and pocket-size. Their highly trained staff and their ability to build strong customer relationships while providing exceptional customer service.

When you start with grammar, take away the gr-, add sp-, change the second a to e, What do you get?
A few years back I had a person at my doorstep from a certain company offering quite impressive coverages for my requirement. I ended up making a fool out of myself by trusting that guy, as I gave him around 100 dollars as the first premium. He never turned up, I confirmed from the company and got to know there never was a person with that name in their company. Everything that he showed to me was fake. Investigations failed to track him. Hence, I have lost all faith any door-to-door sales person, though I am not generalizing everyone. It's my own personal experience. Only last year, I was recommended to Inproagent by my friend and the first thing I did was check their authenticity. The company has an experience of over 25 years in offering customized policies for types of requirements and pocket-size. Their highly trained staff and their ability to build strong customer relationships while providing exceptional customer service.

Hey spammer, good try now get lost!!!
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Since things are finally starting to warm up and I decided not to waste another dime on marketing , I going back to old school door to door. I tried it a couple of years ago with good results till I threw my back out getting in and out of the car all day.

I got a list of seniors in rural areas and printed up med supp and FE rates and hit the country roads and small towns. Its not as bad a you would think it would be. Most people are freindly and I was able to talk to people not accessable by phone and do not respond to direct mail. Most sales were one time closes and the referrals were good too.

I believe door to door is a lost art for insurance sales and a good alternative in these hard times.

I have had good success with door-to-door. It is definitely not for everybody, especially the lazy, but it can be done. As long as you are talking to people about insurance, once in a while you will find a good prospect.

One thing about door to door is it gives you the ability to market multiple products, not just one, which is what most phone dialers do. I agree with Frank Statsny, that you must also do some phone work to get prospects, but I do better face to face. I guess it's my good looks, great body, and my intelligence, or they probably just feel sorry for me. Yeah, let's go with the latter.

I am still trying to figure this business out but I know for a fact that I am not cut out to sit in front of a computer, race to be the first person to call a shared lead, and spend all day in an office.
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