I have used QuoteWizard since 9/1/2016, receiving mainly Medicare Supplement leads and a small amount of life leads. Since I started in September I have received a total of 232 leads. Out of those 232 leads I received credit back for 131 of them due to people not wanting to be contacted or other issues. So out of a total of 101 leads billed to myself, I have written 18 Medicare Supplement policies and 4 life insurance policies. Also I have created a large stream of future sales from this as well as knowing what every lead has in place for Medicare insurance incase a certain carrier were to leave my state then I could contact them again and try to write them. It's also nice because I can call these people again whenever I want to see if anything has changed in their plans so there are a lot of future contacts.
If you can't get qualified people in the door then sometimes leads work out, but I think its mainly on timing especially with Medicare Supplements. I saw that during the open enrollment period, individuals are easier to set and write compared to the months of January and February this year. Mainly because a lot of retiree's are unaware that they can switch companies for Medicare Supplement policies at any time obviously with underwriting.
Life leads are hit or miss, I feel it is easier to sell Medicare Supplements and it's a great way to get in the door for cross selling. Although I have put a large amount of money into these leads, I have made a good ROI. I have almost doubled what I put into the lead system.
I used QW last year for a little while a lot of returns and time consuming but they were profitable, I would use them still except they wont set up with my CRM, its too much work to input by hand and deal with all those returns