GPM Life Insurance Company for Med Sups?

No problems at all with who I am writing for, but read the orginal post to fully understand my orginal question.

Ky Agent

I get it. You want additional companies in case they DON'T give you a release. GPM is probably OK.
Just don't start selling new ones until you make a clean break from your current agency.

If you make a clean break, some of those companies willprobably work with you. Also Loyal American is another one you can pick up through Ritter that is pretty good.
To be honest, I do not want to ask them for a release. Perhaps they would give it, but I do know they don't want me in the med sup market if I am not working for them. I have two companies that I will work with for the time being, that are good companies as far as I can tell.
Ky Agent
To be honest, I do not want to ask them for a release. Perhaps they would give it, but I do know they don't want me in the med sup market if I am not working for them. I have two companies that I will work with for the time being, that are good companies as far as I can tell.
Ky Agent

Oxford, Family Life, Anthem and RNA also have Med Sups.
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Just make sure you don't sell leads from the agency to outside companies. That's where you will screw yourself.
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