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Growing an E-mail List While Cold Calling

I was never a huge fan of mailchimp when I used it. But it was free and if you know html you could design your own theme.

Imo, the key is to have a platform that integrates with your website. Sending out newsletters without a website to link back to is really missing the boat imo.

The website gives additional related content to link to, as well as helping to build your credibility and authority. If people like the article, then there are "related articles" you can put at the end of the newsletter. If people want to know more about you then they can go to the "about" page of your site... which could also be a link on the newsletter.

Imo the newsletter should just be an extension of your website's blog. If you send out a newsletter and someone likes it and wants more content from you... then the easiest way to give it to them is via your website.

With Wordpress, there are plenty of platforms that will integrate with the site/blog. Even JetPack's "subscribe" function works well and automatically pushes out email notifications/previews of new articles (although Im not a big fan of JetPack in general because its bloated software).

Vertical Response looks nice. But no integration with WP or any other website content management system from what I see.
Sorry. I just read something on Crabcake and your Wordpress reference made me think of him.:D

Ah. I didnt realize John was out of Baltimore. I thought it was Boston. I get it now... lol.

He was in SC last I spoke with him. He actually gave me some decent advice about websites in the past. I was always surprised to hear about the complaints and stuff. But I never used his services.
Does anyone have an idea of how big a list needs to be to start seeing, say, weekly results?

My guess would be 500-750 opt-in emails with good, helpful content; but it is just that, a guess.

That would be my guess as well. Opt-In is the key here. Cold emailing you'll probably need thousands just to get a few warm leads


I think it's a great idea, doesn't hurt to build some email leads while calling people. Could you create some content to give away in an email? Something so that if people say no to your phone call you come back with "would you like me to send you some info on how to better protect you home from storms this winter to help you avoid claims?"
That would be my guess as well. Opt-In is the key here. Cold emailing you'll probably need thousands just to get a few warm leads


I think it's a great idea, doesn't hurt to build some email leads while calling people. Could you create some content to give away in an email? Something so that if people say no to your phone call you come back with "would you like me to send you some info on how to better protect you home from storms this winter to help you avoid claims?"

I would rather stick with adding to email list than giving away a report. With email I know when someone opens, click a link, etc. Also, I sell in my emails, I wouldn't sell in a free report.