Has Anyone Built a Facebook Page for Their Business?

STD how do u keep up with all those pages.

I have no Idea...I just built them yesterday ..and have not even posted all the texas health related pages...hahahahaha......like I have always said....this is all a test to see if they will over time come up with keyword searches...........but have them all book marked and plan to add new content on occasion......
Facebook page for your Business is pretty helpful for your online visibility. You can post and share your products, promos and other information about your website. This is also a great way to build relationships with your customers and interact with them. You can provide videos, photos, notes and links as well as information about your industry.
so far I have seen very few people set up pages for target keywords....most use company names that get very few searches.....I look at these pages to work like Digg or squidoo as a way to redirect to my sites.......then again I could be crazy......hahahahaha.....
I do Fanpages as a hobby/semi-side business-- here is my example page: Apps Examples Page. On this "Master" Fanpage each tab on the left is a different page for different businesses/topics to give examples of what can be done.

An insurance page example only is at Senior Health Services. I have mixed results with this page. I am targeting my area, which only has 6000 seniors online with Facebook. So, they are the only ones who will see my ads that I am running on Facebook. If I expand the area, I probability would get more seniors "Liking" the page.

Seniors aren't on Facebook as much as 18-45 yr olds (generally speaking). So if you're selling products targeted to 21-50 yr old group, you may have some very good results using a Fanpage. You can target your ads very specifically with Facebook. Running ads with your Fanpage is very affordable if done correctly.

Also, I noticed most of the Fanpages from most everyone in this tread do not have a reason for a visitor to click the "Like" button. You will notice on the Senior Health Services site, they have to click "Like" to see the content and get the free information.

So I would say giving something for free is an important factor to have on the Fanpage. Remember that the "Like" button is just the same as an "opt-in" email form. Once the visitor clicks the "Like" you are building a list of people that will become your audience. You can blast your message to them just like an email.

But in Facebook you don't want to just send marketing messages. Facebook is social. Your fans want to interact and don't necessarily want to be sold something. Merging your marketing can be done, but mixed with social interaction.

I can answer general questions if you are thinking about creating a Fanpage or want a custom page built.
But in Facebook you don't want to just send marketing messages. Facebook is social. Your fans want to interact and don't necessarily want to be sold something.

but what if you think out side the box and use it as a site that ranks in search's ..then redirects them to your real site....I could care less if I have fans......but have seen the more fans you have the higher in ranking you get....so how about this for a deal.....we all like each others fan pages and see if they start to come up in rankings.....I will like any board members business page if you click the like tab on mine...and post your business page link here so we can all start ranking likes....think you might be supprised ... Texas Life Insurance | Facebook and Texas Health Insurance | Facebook pm me with your page after you like these to and will do the same......