Jennifer, I moved from commercial P&C (35+ years) to Medicare 7 years ago and there was a learning curve for working with seniors. Many are isolated and are lonely and just want to talk, and now it's even worse for them due to the virus. I found that listening really helped me build a little bridge and through that conversation I was able to indirectly get answers; you may just spend the time building trust so the next time you call they may be willing to talk about their Medicare or schedule an appointment. Also, you may live in an area that is over run by Medicare agents that are dialing from home like you are, and these seniors are so tired of being interrupted all day long and after a while it becomes frustrating. Perhaps F2F might work well for you to build your book. BTW, my first year I thought I made a really bad decision switching to Medicare, but as I learned the products and developed my own spiel, it became easier. Now I cannot imagine a better way to work my way through my 60s. To answer your question, yes there are some that are incredibly rude but they are few and far between. Best of luck.