Have New Baby.......will Travel


5000 Post Club
A consumer can qualify for a 60-day SEP by providing evidence of a major life change, such as a move to a new market, a marriage -- or "birth, adopting or fostering a child."

In the HHS-run exchanges, "this qualifying event applies to all family members on the application, not just the new child," CMS officials say in the fact sheet.

Adding a child to a family "will allow qualified individuals to enroll in a QHP even if they previously were not enrolled," officials say. "It also allows consumers who are currently enrolled in a QHP to select a different QHP."

Need health coverage now? Get a kid | LifeHealthPro
As I pointed out last week, any change in household size (due to BIRTH or DEATH) creates a SEP for anyone/everyone in the household. There are so many Special Enrollment Period triggers that it's almost impossible not to get coverage for someone who truly wants it.
hmmm... next business opportunity? renting out kids! BWAHAHAHA! Or I guess could go to Southern border and pick up one of the ones crossing over! <DOH!>