HC.gov Unable to Verify ID

Ning from HealthSherpa here - you can put clients through without identity verification on our site. You can signup at https://www.healthsherpa.com/agents/features. Note that you need to signup and be logged in to get credit on apps. Thanks!

If they had an account on Healthcare.gov last year, and when we went to shop this year and couldn't get identity verification, could we still go through you without an issue? Sorry if I sound redundant, but I'd like to be clear before I try that. Thanks.
i have lots of these issues as well. The only way I can renew their application this year is by calling marketplace with client on the phone to finish the enrollment.

For renewing, can't create another account...or even create account when account was started even if was not completed last year. I call the MKplace and do 3 way call. When it can not be verified, same thing, 3 way call with client on the other line. I was told by MKplace rep to try creating an account with the spouse...don't now if this will complicate thing more with the automatic renewal...