Health Insurance for Freelancers?

Y.L. Prinzel

I'd like a little feedback from y'all about this Health coverage offered by a freelance writing site Info Packet DS Health.pdf . Obviously this is not comprehensive health insurance, but since you guys compare plans all day, I wanted to get your thoughts.

One question in particular that I have about the plan is--if someone drops COBRA or active, comprehensive group coverage in favor of this plan--and then in a year they decide to get more comprehensive insurance policy, will they be considered to have had a 60 day or greater lapse in coverage, or can this kind of policy act as a bridge and be considered continuing coverage to keep them from having a pre-existing condition exclusion in that new policy?

Also, in terms of price and benefits, are there better non-union and non-group plans out there than this? Do you have any info about the company Flex Shield? And lastly, if the plan terminates you (they don;t give term reasons in this piece) you won't have access to COBRA since it's not an employer/employee relationship, right? So...what happens to someone with cancer or other illness in that situation?

I will be blogging about this and, if you want me to use your direct quote or link to your website in the blog post, let me know--without your permission I'll not quote you directly.
Page 9 of the PDF says it all and I doubt this qualifies as creditable coverage. And yes, if you pick up this plan then drop it you're no longer eligible for COBRA.
Page 9 of the PDF says it all and I doubt this qualifies as creditable coverage. And yes, if you pick up this plan then drop it you're no longer eligible for COBRA.

Thank you--do you know of any similar plans that are similar in price/benefit?
This would be for freelance writers, but thank you :)

I'm hoping to write the post on Friday and would love any more input you have.