Health Insurance Not Taking Child Support Into Account


New Member
Hi, my name is Jaymei and I have a problem that I'm hoping someone has some advice about. I'm married and my husband pays a lot in child support. When applying for health insurance they don't take into account that that's money we don't actually receive as personal income. So with that being said, it would cost $300 a month just for me to get health insurance. And I have a bladder condition that requires me to go to a urologist regularly. Without going into a lot of financial details, $300 is WAY out of my price range. So my question is, does anyone else have this problem or know of any solutions ( besides divorce)? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
What other income do you have??

Child support is not considered income for the law purposes.

Did your state expand medicaid?

If no other income, and no Medicaid available, then you must pay full price per the law.
Also, you are outside of open enrollment. Unless you have a qualifying event you can't buy health insurance now.
Hi there. I should have been more specific. My husband pays child support to his ex wife for their 2 kids. I have a job, and I make a lot less than he does on paper. But more than half of what he makes goes to child support ( even though his ex wife already has 3 other incomes). But when I applied for the health insurance it shows as us getting all of his paycheck instead of taking out the child support. So it shows us in a higher pay bracket making it impossible for me to get health insurance. He gets his through his employer, but to add me to his that way would be almost $1000 a month because of the way his employer has it set up. I'm just confused as to why the child support shows up as income for us when I'm going through this process instead of it showing as money we aren't actually receiving.

What other income do you have??

Child support is not considered income for the law purposes.

Did your state expand medicaid?

If no other income, and no Medicaid available, then you must pay full price per the law.
Hi there. I should have been more specific. My husband pays child support to his ex wife for their 2 kids. I have a job, and I make a lot less than he does on paper. But more than half of what he makes goes to child support ( even though his ex wife already has 3 other incomes). But when I applied for the health insurance it shows as us getting all of his paycheck instead of taking out the child support. So it shows us in a higher pay bracket making it impossible for me to get health insurance. He gets his through his employer, but to add me to his that way would be almost $1000 a month because of the way his employer has it set up. I'm just confused as to why the child support shows up as income for us when I'm going through this process instead of it showing as money we aren't actually receiving.

I'm sorry. It is confusing and it probably doesn't seem fair, either.

Subsidy amount is based on you and your husbands combined Modified Adjusted Gross Income. (MAGI). This can be found on line 38 of your 1040.

Unfortunately for you, the amount he pays in child support is not a tax deduction.

HOWEVER, except in very limited circumstances, if you are eligible for coverage through your spouse's employer, you are not subsidy eligible, anyway. So the child support issue and its affect on your MAGI is irrelevant.

Sorry! I know this isn't the answer you were looking for.