Health Sherpa

I always thought that it is just a waste people having ACA plans with no agent and having a way to get paid on those accounts but have to put your nut's on the can only talk to so many people between nov1 and dec 15 but you can hack a account in under 5 min's......
but you have to to be butt ass crazy replacing a AOR on a hack on the marketplace.......
For that matter, I believe KY is also State Exchange in 2021 as well.

Ummmm it has been like that AT LEAST the last 5 years, probably longer - which is why I stopped writing there. EVERY state exchange is a nightmare poorly executed, and should be illegal. Everyone should be using hc . gov , unfortunately the legislation was written to allow SBE (state based exchanges).
Ummmm it has been like that AT LEAST the last 5 years, probably longer - which is why I stopped writing there. EVERY state exchange is a nightmare poorly executed, and should be illegal. Everyone should be using hc . gov , unfortunately the legislation was written to allow SBE (state based exchanges).
No, you have been able to write on the federal marketplace in Kentucky. Not sure what you are talking about.
I write on health Sherpa and became the aor on a few policy's . You need the clients ss# . How did that woman get her ss# unless she gave it to the agent