Health Sherpa

Fl blue does not give this option or at least it did not to us when i was with them.
Fl blue does not give this option or at least it did not to us when i was with them.

You might as well stash it and only draw what the monthly breakdown is. I got burned by advances before obamacare i would hate to do it in this volatile environment.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy
yes tater they are.

I agree about the draw part but when you get paid whenever they feel like paying you its hard to get a schedule going.
Re: Health Sherpa eligibility results

Looks like somebody is overriding the ridiculous 2 hours or so wait to get the eligibility results and basically there doing the same as Health Sherpa, but are an MGA. Take a look at the video.
Here's the link:
ACA Express « American Online Benefits Group

That is us, and the link is from one of our partners which provides an ACA Supplement plan specifically designed as a supplement, i.e not an off the shelf product. The underwriter is Federal Insurance Company, an A Excellent rated carrier whose parent company is The Chubb Group which has approx $53 billion in assets and is new to this specific plan type. In other words, it is not someone with which anyone here has sold or contracted with in the past.

The supplemental plan is integrated into our enrollment platform in such a manner that you can seamlessly with just a click add it at the same time as enrolling someone in an ACA plan.

A few notes:
1. We, are not an MGA

2. Our transaction fees are on the high side 1/2 of any of the other platforms out there, and based on number of apps submitted can be MUCH lower than that.

3. Use your existing carriers, no changes whatsoever in appointments or contracts. The method in which you get paid does not change.

There are many, many other advantages and benefits to our platform which the competition does not offer. If you would like more info go to ACA Express or shoot me an email.

Many on the forum here have already seen the demo and the response has been extremely positive.

Kenny West
In my humble opinion, HS and similar companies have a classic (perceived) challenge of 'man in the middle attack', whenever they will try to scale. However, their intention to make agents' life easy, is a good cause.

With that in my mind, we realized, it can be done in a smaller scale, and we want to offer the service free of cost (part of our lead program) for a few agents on the federal exchange. We need a few agents who want to beta test this. Please message me, if you are interested.


Re: Health Sherpa eligibility results

2. Our transaction fees are on the high side 1/2 of any of the other platforms out there, and based on number of apps submitted can be MUCH lower than that.

Application fees are in addition to the $99.95/month fee unless you submit 20 apps per month if I am reading your site correctly. PLUS you would be getting all of the supplemental health insurance overrides from the agent, yes?
Re: Health Sherpa eligibility results

Application fees are in addition to the $99.95/month fee unless you submit 20 apps per month if I am reading your site correctly. PLUS you would be getting all of the supplemental health insurance overrides from the agent, yes?

Correct. Will answer specifically in new thread titled ""