Healthcare Reform: Where Will Outsourced Call Center Work Go?

UHC outsources MOST of their calls.

This was the "plan" for last year. People were getting mad with the overseas customer service. They never got things handled. A supervisor of a USA call center for UHC told me that they were recruiting for UHC call centers cause starting (this was 2009 when she told me this) at the beginning of 2010 they were closing their call centers. The majority of customer service is still overseas till today.

If you research UHC has a lot of stay at home positions, but most of the UHC USA reps are a part of the "Rapid Resolution Team".
I agree outsourcing overseas can be a frustrating experience for everyone involved.

What has been your experience using social media, for example twitter, facebook, etc. to try and reach the social web audience?
If you haven't used it, what have been the reasons?
Calls will be outsourced to NASA, the organization charged by the president to: "Help Muslims feel good about their contributions to math and science..." NASA will work on the outsourced call center for double time and a half; and, if they have time they will actually get back to working on reaching Mars which will generate millions of jobs in secondary, tertiary areas that will ultimately bring great advances to the USA and to the World.