Healthcare Reform Will Not Pass

He asked how much I'd bitch if rates for Medicare go up. I wonder how much he will bitch if Medicare supplements are no longer needed through new legislation.

I've been quite vocal in saying that this legislation leads to a complete takeover of insurance, including Medicare. Supplements will not be needed because I think that the OOP will be low enought to render them un-necessary.

My point was that the free MA plan that your wife has is not free. It actually costs all of us $900 a month. The $96.40 you pay for her Part B is 25% of the actual cost and the zero you pay for Part A is about $400 less than the actualy cost also.

So if you were required to pay this cost due to your income level, how much would you complain? If we give all this to everyone, someone has to pay and it certainly won't be the lower income folks.

Al, you seem to think that the government has money. They have no money. It's OUR money or at least money we will have to repay.

You keep pointing out that you "won." Congratulations on a victory over the same party that gave us Part D and MA plans. You should really be kissing Republican's asses (if you haven't already) for passing legislation that allows you to be so damn smug about your wife's insurance.

The bottom line is Social Security and Medicare are about to implode and all you can say is "we won." The reality is "we ALL lost."

As I've said before, you guys should pray for a "bad" reform law so that you have a chance of taking back the Congress next year and the White House two years after that.

Make no mistake, the *** Republicans in Congress hardly are my guys. It's a sad day when we have to choose between your guys and those guys.

I think many states should secede from the Union. That is about the only way for real reform I'm afraid. I can talk to my state legislatures and when they screw up I can do something about it. Even better when my town's council screws up I can go to town hall and offer solutions.

Instead we have drunks that stand in front of Senate that have the real power.
Bankrate offers a concise synopsis of the differences that will need to be reconciled.

Right but if you read the front end of that Bankrate article is says that this is a list of things that need to be reconciled in conference committee. Problem is, there has been no conference committee established so for the life of me I cannot figure out how reconciliation can be done without just sending another bill back through the Senate to beat a dead horse.

Note: Maybe a conference committee has been established in the last 24 hours. I will update my thinking when that happens. Right now there are all these articles flying about about what needs to be reconciled but the Senate has basically sent a "take it or leave it bill over to the house"

Things can change but I am just saying that out of all the brushpile of things to watch for, I would watch for that. Obviously they are going to try their luck at getting it passed without opening it up to horse trading which means that it could fall apart. Good luck with that or either way. They would be forcing the house to sign up for all the whore deals as well.

The dems are in a catch-22. They can't get it passed unless they open it up to conference and amendments for the house. But if they do that there are so many parliamentary pitfalls and quagmires that they open themselves up to exposure all around.

Election coming right up.
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The bottom line is Social Security and Medicare are about to implode and all you can say is "we won." The reality is "we ALL lost."

Details, details.

I think it'll be volume city.

John you say this like it is simple. I'm confused.
Joe and John: Why are you so confident something has to and is going to pass? What are the one to five things that make this entire process a 'certainty' to you? What if you are wrong? Playing devil's advocate here. The bill in ANY form doesn't have to pass.

That ship sailed... You have a Democrat president, a Democrat House, and a Democrat Senate. The bill passed the House, a different bill passed the Senate.

Call me crazy but this will pass. Imagine if you were an odds maker in Vegas - I would think the odds of NO reform (as they call it) passing are very slim at this time with the events that unfolded.

I have said all along it will pass, and it will. I think it is a bit delusional at this point to root for passage of nothing. It's not going to happen.

Call me crazy but this will pass. Imagine if you were an odds maker in Vegas - I would think the odds of NO reform (as they call it) passing are very slim at this time with the events that unfolded.

I dont necessarily give great odds to a bill passing, unamended, just because reform is coming. Reform is coming in some version but the House bill fell flat. Could very well see the same thing with the Senate bill.

If I am betting in Vegas on this I am very much prepared to do so and with large sums and with large confidence. But I need to know what I am betting on. Am I betting on reform coming or am I betting on a specific bill with specific language coming? Many here just mix and match that discussion endlessly. But they are two very separate issues.

My bet. Reform is coming. And the specifics of the house bill and of the senate bills as presented will not pass- but that a fallback position will. So when you say "it" will pass, that is too generic for me to bet on. I can give you odds on the two issues embedded therein though very quickly. And then there are issues of bills being tabled and continued forever and a day to the point where you never know what the hell the status is but has never been officially voted down. My bets would be related to timeframe between now and February 1. If someones bet is that something could pass in some form sometime next year, well, duh.
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I've "won" up until now. Indeed, as Winter says, this whole thing could crash and burn at the last minute and then YOU would be the winner... and I'd congratulate you neos and liberts (and yeah, a neo-con is about the same as a libertarian... except the neos seem to know what they believe in as a group and the libertarians... are just not sure about... abortion, both wars, health reform, etc.) on a well-played victory. However, so far Winter and the rest of you neos here have been wrong each and every step of the way on health refore this past year. None of you believed it would EVER get this far.

Actually, this statement is just blatently false. Sorry, but a few months ago, most libs were saying that passing nothing would be better than passing what looks like will pass. Now, they have changed what they want, basically passing anything is better than passing nothing.

The problem with this is when you don't have a real objective, it's impossible to govern, impossible to lead. Are you willing to take the scraps (that neither side wants) and call it a victory??? I would hope not, but that is what is happening.

12-28-2009, 11:13 AM

Sen. Demint made the bold move of objecting to the appointment of conferees. This one man has made the difference.

The Best Christmas Present Ever: Senator DeMint Objects to the Appointment of the Conferees - Dan_Perrin's blog - RedState

I fully expected a reform bill to pass, until this brilliant move by Demint. I heard that this move was possible, but I didn't think anyone would have the courage to do it.

The House's version passed by only a couple of votes (and one of them was a Republican who only voted for it because it had already passed.) It had only a couple of spare votes.

The Senate's version had no votes to spare.

The only way it can pass now is if the House rubber stamps the Senate version. The likelihood of that happening is extremely small, because the liberals in Congress will not vote for the Senate version because there's no public option and because of the abortion restrictions.

The left-wing of the Democrat party will kill the Senate's bill in the House.

If, by some slim chance, the House does pass an amended version of the Senate bill (one with a public option or with Medicare enrollment available for 55-64), it won't pass in the Senate because it won't have the 60 votes for cloture (because Lieberman won't support it.)

Healthcare reform is dead. Killed by the far left and the far right.

This is good. It devolved into a terrible piece of legislation and they really should start all over and do it right.

will anyone congratulate me on the accuracy of my prediction?
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