
ACAEx was very quick.


I noticed on healthsherpa the dreaded double redirect is in effect....does ACAEx have a double redirect or do they have a workaround?
Yep. I have 1 guy that I've been trying to pin down for 2 weeks. Hasn't returned my text or call today reminding him this is it. He will get about $1200 tax penalty.

Maybe he signed up himself or with someone else. If so glad he got insurance.
Well some unknown person just called wanting health insurance at 9:30p central time. She asked if she had the right number and I told her "not tonight you don't "! Goodbye!!?
Had 3 enroll today. Another called after I was finished.

Followed up with a client (thought was a client) close to me. He lives in a bordering county where rates are higher. Well, he wanted me to write the plan with him living in the lower premium county, I said no and wrote him on UHC in the correct county (freebie for UHC). Today, client said he had another agent write him the lower price plan in the lower premium county. Either I "educated" him on what to tell the other agent, or the other agent didn't care about committing a little fraud...oh well. It's out of my hands now.
It's such BS!!you did educate him and they don't care whether u get paid or not. Had s neighbor want me to check things for her--I did it as a favor but it hosed ip my day. I reminded her I get no pay for assisting her in this situation and it didn't seem to register. They think we're social workers now. I'm done. . .