HELP - I need to supplement my lagging FE business

Are you using Todd S. for these as well?
I contracted direct under Mark Headrick for supplemental health about a year ago. TBH I haven't done anything with it at all. I was hoping it would be a good cross sell for my debit clients, but since there's no monthly option other than bank draft it's not gonna work for that. However, I think I remember seeing a memo recently that said you could sell these by phone, so I may take another look.
Get back to the field? Adapt and find an area if yours hit heavy that you can go to and sell.

Agreed - if you can, you really need to get back in the field. I would suggest you review your book, call about additional coverage, check in on your clients that remember you and work the referral route.

People are thinking death and life insurance more than you can imagine right now...
Objection: "I don't remember filling out a card..."

Rebuttal: "Sir, let's be honest, you don't remember what you had for breakfast."
Have used something similar but not quite as blunt.. I would put it this way. "Sir, I perfectly understand.. If you are like me I can't remember what I had for breakfast.. " You can be as "insulting" as you like as long as you put yourself in the same boat.. :yes:
Have used something similar but not quite as blunt.. I would put it this way. "Sir, I perfectly understand.. If you are like me I can't remember what I had for breakfast.. " You can be as "insulting" as you like as long as you put yourself in the same boat.. :yes:

Much better response.
Have used something similar but not quite as blunt.. I would put it this way. "Sir, I perfectly understand.. If you are like me I can't remember what I had for breakfast.. " You can be as "insulting" as you like as long as you put yourself in the same boat.. :yes:
My Uncle Wally trained me to canvas and he'd occasionally tell somebody that he'd like to show him a policy that his neighbor said he couldn't afford. :laugh: