Very interesting!It's funny I'm looking at all these you tube videos and every other one profiling 8-10 buys doing $25-$100 k every month . There's was a tatted 28 yr old with FFL on a recent video . He claims to have done $700 and $940 k telesales fe the last 2 yrs . Of corse he's recruiting like crazy . All I can say if these guys really are going those type business there replacing the crap out of each other . There's simply not enough clients for all these guys to be doing this type vol . Now everyone's pushing free leads . I saw Massey and boman have jumped in it with 1000 others . Hell your at 150% giving out 30-50% with free leads . Leads cost $5-$15 each . The imo is netting 50-60% after all chargebacks , leads , expenses . Incredible business model for all but the guy making 40% . For most that's like a job at McDonald's or Walmart net net
I was just informed that Senior Life Ins. Co. has increased the costs of all of their leads by more than 20%, "in order to stay competitive". That contradicts those pushing free leads. This new change, however, does not affect their in-house sales force.
The premiums on all of their plans have continued to increase excessively; and, the commissions earned on their plans remain noncompetitive.
They are hard-selling stock ownership to every agent, but no one has ever been privy to the company's financial statements. Maybe Jaymon can dispute this last point.
Within the next 7 years, before 2031, I am predicting their collapse or being bought out.