Help Me with Medicare Advantage and Drug Question

My experience has been that agents who bad mouth MA plans aren't certified to sell them.

My experience is just the opposite. I find that the agents that badmouth MA plans have very experience with them. I also find that the ones that push them the most are newbies that are drinking the IMO or company kool aid.

Personally I sold a ton of MA plans and was certified to train agents to sell MA plans. I hate the plans now and do not sell any of them. And I will be glad when they are gone. However, I do know that some people are well served to be in an MA plan.

I do refer those people when i run across them to a friend of mine that doesn't mind being a CMS buttboy.
hi all. my name is mike

Hey Mike,

I'm in Volusia County (City of Orange City), right across the St. John's river from you.
Feel free to come over to meet.. not sure if you're an agent, too, or just here visiting as a consumer.
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My experience is just the opposite. I find that the agents that badmouth MA plans have very experience with them. I also find that the ones that push them the most are newbies that are drinking the IMO or company kool aid.

I concur completely. Never more service nightmares than with MA plans where networks are constantly changing, although the member cannot change except once per year.

Never one problem with Medicare Supplement clients.

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