HHS Secretary Sebelius Recruits Women To Blog About PPACA

I think its a great idea woman who know what is in the bill should blog about not just the highlights but the problems and penalties.
Agreed, although I think in this case it's mostly angling for the benefits PPACA:

"To the bloggers, Sebelius plugged the law's protections for women, garnering applause when she said health insurers will no longer be able to charge women more than men for a similar policy. She cited the law's guarantee of breast cancer screenings and contraception benefits for women without extra fees or copays."

I've always thought about PPACA as how it will affect agents, or affect the nation as a whole, but never within the context of how it will affect a specific gender, so I found this interesting, as much as it is biased toward being in favor.
wow, its a great idea to have the NFL, bloggers, celebrities promote this!! After all, they are experts and can give such great advice on what the plans offer.
Hmmm, and then they will tell us to drink Pepsi while we are completing applications.

And if a "respected blogger" provides misinformation, well who cares, not like they have to carry e&o
You are correct about the bias, Liz. Sebellius is doing a good job trying to sell this to specific audiences. The funny thing is that most of the nation's medical plans have been covering breast cancer screenings and contraception for years - sometimes decades. The fact that it is now without a copay is minor. And, as for women being charged less premium, that means very little when their spouses are now being charged more.