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It has been about a month since I posted this on Craigs List and I have received about 4 resumes in the mail. Most of the agents that I have contacted want a salary to start with and would not consider commission only.
Tim, I feel your pain. I have run ads on craigslist and other sites and I get almost no resumes from anyone with insruance experience, and if I do, they want salaries sarting at $75,000 plus commission. I don't think that they realiaze how much it costs to run an agency. I'm located in Orange County, CA, but licensed in 25 states, so I can open a lot of markets to people.
I have 2 in house agents full time, both commission only, and one does personal lines and one commercial. I have 2 commission schedules: 1 if the agent generates the lead 60/40 and 1 if I generate the lead 40/60. I've have 5 other agents that generate 100% of their own business but run their own agents and just run things through me because they are no able to get appointments.
Over the last 6 years I've worked so hard to get appointments with carriers, and I now have many personal lines appointments in many states, but still struggle to get a decent BOP appointment in CA. I have several great commercial carriers for professional lines and specific markets, but none of the ones that everyone else seem to have like hartford, travellers, safeco, or one beacon. Ironically, I have a personal lines appointment with Safeco, but not commercial.
I have a $2.5 million agency, and tons of stuff with surplus lines brokers, but still no BOP appointments.
I realize that I went off topic here, but it just irks me, so I went with it