HomeStead Exemption Prospecting Tool

California has the Property Tax Exemption, which I used for several years to get in the door as a fairly new agent. At that time, it saved @ $100 a year. Most people did not know about it.

As taught to me by a successful GA, we would go and leave cards on the door of 10 homes every day. I can't remember the specifics, but it went something like:

"Bob, I'm calling on you because of your mortgage with _____. You may be eligible for a free government program that will save you money on your property taxes. I'll stop by tonight to discuss it in more detail."

It was important to write the name of the lender on the card to give the impression this information was coming from the lender.

After explaining about the exemption, we would say: "Another thing I wanted to talk to you about was a Mortgage Protection plan......"

The GA would give 3-4 pitches a night and sell 4-6 policies a week.

You had to market this in the poor areas. Middle class areas were too smart to let you in the door. But, in 1979, my GA was making over $100,000 doing this in the all-black area of Watts (Los Angeles). He was white with a bowtie and slick mustache. Go figure why no one shot or robbed his cracker butt.:D