How are Face 2 Face Agents planning on handling this?

Defining What Calls Need Recorded
CMS is limiting the requirement to record calls between TPMOs and beneficiaries to sales, marketing, and enrollment calls. This should eliminate the need to record appointment setting calls and check-ins after sales. However, calls with current clients for retention purposes must be recorded.

Additionally, CMS is specifying that virtual sales, marketing, and enrollment calls, such as those completed through video conferencing and other virtual telepresence methods, must be recorded.

Ive read this 8-10 times
What is considered to be a retention call?
What is considered to be a retention call?

I would say calling to review benefits for the coming year or invite your current book to an ANOC meeting. We will just continue to record everything instead of trying to weed out which calls do and don't need to be reported. CYA
Shouldn't this effectively kill the Namath kind of ads? At least in theory.

Asking for a friend . . .
In theory yes. Down here in the real world no.

Broadway Joe and JJ will just do a two step. It's all about the money. The carriers are simply making too much money.

Like Chazm said in another thread. We'll always have the telemarketers.