How are Face 2 Face Agents planning on handling this?

Waiting Period of 48 hours between the Completion of the SOA and the Personal Marketing Appointment - At least 48 hours prior to the scheduled personal marketing, the MA plan (or agent or broker, as applicable) must agree upon and record the Scope of Appointment with the beneficiary(ies), except for: (A) SOAs that are completed during the last four days of a valid election period for the beneficiary. (B) Unscheduled in person meetings (walk-ins) initiated by the beneficiary. 42 CFR 422.2264 (c) (3) (i) Note: CMS has indicated that this 48-hour period is not required for inbound calls from enrollees. At this time, unless CMS provides further clarification, this requirement applies to outbound calls.

Of course, they conveniently cut call centers out of this requirement, and they are the worst offenders when it comes to generating complaints.

Where did you see this "note" about inbound calls not requiring the 48hr scope? I cant seem to find anything to confirm this. Id heard rumors, but nothing concrete.
In theory yes. Down here in the real world no.

Broadway Joe and JJ will just do a two step. It's all about the money. The carriers are simply making too much money.

Like Chazm said in another thread. We'll always have the telemarketers.

Telemarketing will get even worse . The recordings for telesales agents will all be transferred telemarketing calls that appear to be inbound calls. So the foreign telemarketer gets sally interested with the $1000 food card . He transfers the call to an agent that starts the recorded call "Senior sales can i help you?
Telemarketing will get even worse . The recordings for telesales agents will all be transferred telemarketing calls that appear to be inbound calls. So the foreign telemarketer gets sally interested with the $1000 food card . He transfers the call to an agent that starts the recorded call "Senior sales can i help you?
For sure

Never ending every week/month a certain group of currents call to go over this again and again that so and so called about those extra benefits and could I explain it again. It's quick and painless-No Full Medicaid, no food card, unless it's XYZ carrier and you have XYZ health conditions-DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR #s and thanks for calling me to clarify, you did the right thing. Eventuallly some relent to handing over their Medicare #s and get burned.

Not to mention the Bankers Life guys, God Bless those super hard workers :D. If nothing else, I admire there tenacity. My spouse is turning 65 Dec this year. Ever since Feb they call and come over on the regular. One day they woke him up from a dead sleep and got chased off in a not so nice manner. They still came back. A different one.

The price of doing business. When the dummies give up their Medicare #s and switch, they get one more chance and thats it. For now there's only ONE dsnp with food card in my main county. Hope it stays thiis way awhile longer. Humana swiped one from me during OEP. Also price of doing biz. That one I prob deserved but the dude wasn't happy when he called to tell me he now had a deductible and what happened?
When the dummies give up their Medicare #s and switch, they get one more chance and thats it. For now there's only ONE dsnp with food card in my main county

No matter what some agents think, Medicare is confusing.

Roughly 70% of T65's have only known employer provided health insurance. They never had to shop, and rarely had a choice of plans. Even then, they often pick the "wrong" plan . . . because the premium was lower. When next year comes around and they USE the plan they complain.

"What happened to my doc copay's?".

Yeah, you opted out of that when you chose the lower premium, higher deductible plan with no copay's.

Agents claim that many Medicare PPO and HMO plans are just like they have always had, so no big deal.

Except for the fact most of them never UNDERSTOOD how those plans work, and they don't read the big print, much less the fine print, so the first time they realize how crappy the plan is will be when they use it.

I know some agents say their policyholders never complain. That must be because those folks are calling me to find out what they have and how can they escape.
Where did you see this "note" about inbound calls not requiring the 48hr scope? I cant seem to find anything to confirm this. Id heard rumors, but nothing concrete.

This is from Aetna/Allina Health:
Waiting Period of 48 hours between the Completion of the SOA and thePersonal Marketing Appointment
At least 48 hours prior to the scheduled personal marketing, the MA plan (or agent or broker, as applicable) must agree upon and record the Scope of Appointment with the beneficiary(ies), except for: (A) SOAs that are completed during the last four days of a valid election period for the beneficiary. (B) Unscheduled in person meetings (walk-ins) initiated by the beneficiary.
42 CFR 422.2264 (c) (3)(i)

Note: CMS has indicated that this 48-hour period is not required for inbound calls from enrollees. At this time, unless CMS provides further clarification, this requirement applies to outbound calls.

SOA valid for 12 months
