How are you working around the holiday?

Our appointment setter booked up Tuesday in just a couple of hours yesterday/Saturday.

That is not normal, especially in the area that I'll be selling in.

Some holidays people are home, "getting rained on" and are very receptive.

On another note, the only day that I got "zilched" in the past 2 years was a Tuesday during Thanksgiving week / 2016. On that day, it felt like I couldn't sell a Chimpanzee a free banana.

Holidays can be hit and miss.

Doug booked up for you is 8-10 appointments for the day, ? Are you more than one day in the field,
We called Sat setting apps for Monday and Tues. Just like any other Sat.

There are plenty of enough hours in the day and days in the week that no insurance agent has to work on National Holidays. Now if you got a client insisting that you meet them on Memorial Day and its a quick $500 to $1000 deal then sign me up. That scenario has only happened to me about 4 or 5 times out of the past 30 years. I had a lady insist that I come out on Memorial Day of 1986. I sold her a United American Medicare Supplement that she had until she died in the late 90's. Usually nobody in their right mind wants you to come out on a holiday. I had an old client about 5 years ago that saw no reason why I could not come out on Christmas Day to sign him up for a Medicare Drug Plan. I told him no and he said OK and to this day he never did get a drug plan.
Doug booked up for you is 8-10 appointments for the day, ? Are you more than one day in the field,

Try to stay in the field at least 1 day per week as we have agents flying in and doing ride-a longs pretty consistently! Sometimes I'll go out a second day.

My field days are like days off, compared to office days. I enjoy doing what we do and it's nice to go out and sell when there's no pressure!

Happy Memorial Day everyone!
When I ran a debit, I ran collections on Christmas afternoon and Thanksgiving after noon..
Dang, Louis! Even at Independent Life we took off Thanksgiving and Christmas! No other holidays, but those two. But we were out all the earlier the next morning! (That last line sounds a little Scrooge-like, doesn't it?)
Dang, Louis! Even at Independent Life we took off Thanksgiving and Christmas! No other holidays, but those two. But we were out all the earlier the next morning! (That last line sounds a little Scrooge-like, doesn't it?)
It wasn't required.. i just did it on my own..
We called accounts at the end of the month.. had to keep those arrears down.. I was always received well..
I imagine you even got fed if you showed up at the right time! I always knew when my barbecue experts would have dinner ready on July 4th!