How Did Ya'll Handle Your First "disappointed" Customer?

Ron White says it best, "you can't fix stupid".

Ain't that the truth. I read a couple dozen of Yoda's past post not too long ago as a act of amusement. He hasn't contributed anything of use... ever, in this forum. That's probably indicative of how he is in life... nothing of value. Sad.
What the hell?? What makes you think I've ever had a disappointed client??? Who have you been talking to??


YOu can't make everyone happy, but most of the time if you simply listen to them, it will solve everything.
I would admit to failure if I was the one in the wrong... in this case I wasn't at all!!

I had a lady call me on Thursday, she was "LIVID" (her words) she hadn't recieved her cards for her MAPD yet, but her husband had. This couple, make somewhat of a decent amount of money, but due to bills she couldn't afford a supplement or MAPD. When she called and asked if I had anything that was a $0 premium... I told her that I did. We met, I sold her and her husband a Freedom Blue PPO MAPD, $1000.00 deductible plan. (I personally don't care for them, but it was either sell her what she wanted or sell her nothing at all...) After meeting with them, going over the summary, and showing her the pros and cons... she and her husband accepted, signed the forms and whaaa laaa we were all over with.
She called, like I mentioned to tell me that she hadn't recieved her cards, but her hubby had, and she was very upset with me about it. I told her that I'd get to the bottom of it. I directly got off the phone with her and called Highmark to find out what was wrong. They told me that she was approved BUTTTTT she enrolled in another plan after Freedom Blue... They told me it was United Healthcare. This lady got a letter or something in the mail from AARP, she signed it and sent it back in.... well unbeknownst to her she signed up for another plan. (HOW COULD THEY DO THAT?? WHEN WE HAVE SO MANY RULE AND REGULATIONS??)

Anyway, this lady blamed me for not being upfront with her, for not telling her that she could possibly lose this coverage by signing on with someone else, she just blamed me for the whole MESSED UP situation. She also told me that she has had nothing but TURMOIL since she met me... and she refused to do business with me ever again.

Us women can be a bit emotional at times, I'd have to admit, but wowsers, she really hurt me by her words. I know she was scared and upset, BUT I don't see where I made the mistake.... That is water under the bridge now, my quesiton is.. HOW DID YA'LL HANDLE your first dissatisfied customer? and the fear of them ruining your name? You all know that I'm still fairly new, although a lot more knowledgable than I was last year at this time, my biggest fear is her hurting my reputation, which is impecable with the seniors at this moment.

So you learned to tell a client not to sign anything without running it past you first.
Second, people like this are full of beans. They only give out the info. to you or ins. companies that they want to. You never get the whole story from them and ultimately it comes back to bite them in the ass. Then, of course YOU are to blame. In our office we have a saying. if you don't have a few people "angry" at you then you aren't doing enough business. These are the same people who will have you on the phone for an hour and then take their business to their buddy across town or go onto the internet to apply "directly." Most people are reasonable, but unavoidably you will get some like this. Different personalities.
You'll also get the guy who tries to put you in a corner all the time with "stump you" questions ... it's amusing for some.
Or they will keep you on the phone for waaay longer then necessary just to see if they can get you to start trying to end the conversation. I love that one. I think this is also a way for some of them to see how graceful you are under pressure. Don't let it get to you kid. I used to. There are holes patched over in the office door from years ago when I would get off of the phone and la la la lose it. Eventually, and once when I thought that I might have broken a finger, I realized that this kind of reactionary, loss of control behaviour was not constructive and would probably cause burn out. Don't focus on the occaisonal S disturber. And don't get elated with every sale. Focus on building your agency and taking care of your clients. Measure your progress over a week, a month, etc. Improvement and growth. Marketing, Sales and Admin. basically.
One more thing. Once you are in this for a while you will have someone contact you again after they had gone with someone else earlier. When this happens, early in the conversation, let them know that you will need an AOR letter from them before you can really get involved.
That way, they way you will understand each other (if you get my meaning) without you having to put them on the defensive. If they don't want to comply, then you thank them for the call, hang up and then email them said AOR letter anyway with a space for them to write in their policy number and signature.
Yoda is full of sh*t. You show them the MA as well as the MAPD and a supp. Give them choices.
You advise but they decide. You win no matter what. You can only help as much as they will allow you.
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Let me tell you a story that'll let you know not to worry about this ONE person. In Missouri we have a program called Missouri Rx. It is free those in certain income ranges. I have the state send me 200-250/year of the brochure/application kits to hand out to those that qualify and don't know about it. Late 2008 during AEP I determined one of my clients qualified so I helped her fill out the MORx application, but she needed a copy of her medicare card to send with it. She didn't want me to take the card to the office to copy so I left the application with her to mail when she got a copy of the card.

Fast forward to this AEP...

She called me saying she wanted a diff drug plan because she was in the gap. I explained that she should still be paying just 50% even in the gap with her plan and MORx working for her. She didn't know what I was talking about when I said MoRx. I explained what we talked about one year ago, but of course she didn't remember. I re-explained it to her. She came by the office to get a new application, we completed it here, I copied her card and gave it back to her, and mailed the MORx on my stamp.

Basically she refused to believe I told her about it last year. "Shame on you, Gordon." "I needed that money... $540 is a big savings." I explained that she can asked the state if they would retro file all of her drugs since she was eligible all year. She said: "If they don't I expect you to pay me that $540."

NO crap... that's what she expected. I take the time to explain a free program, assist, she drops the ball and it is my fault.... screw her. You know how much I'll do for her in the future... ZIPPIDY DOOODA!! Nothing. I'll not replace her medsupp when it goes up in price or anything. Clients like that aren't worth the income or headache.

Move on and happy selling.
I'm assuming you are a relatively new agent? With no previous sales experience? If so, you still have thin skin. You need to realize, no matter what you do, some people won't be happy. You give it your best shot and that is it, Move on. I would've let that situation with that lady bother me for 5 seconds and then I'd move on.
BTW, I understand you now offer training?? I think I would like my training sessions in Hawaii? When can we go.
Clients and Value

Clients see no value in free unless it is a value added that either leads to a sale; like a free brochure or if its a free excellent service after the sale. We appreciate that which we pay for but not what we do not.

The Problem with zero premium MA in general

The zero premium plans confuse clients value assessment. Even though they like the idea of free they are also supicious of why they are zero premium and since they are zero premium they cant perceive the value.

The problem with price sensitivity

If a client is financially weak they will ask more questions and be more difficult service wise because they are fearful. This is especially true of fixed income clients who are very sensitive to inflation and cost of living increases.

In summary dont take it personally. It happens and it sounds to me like your boss is one of those who believes the client is right even when they are wrong despite what you told him. He clearly doesnt value the relationship and the value added you provide. Fine let him deal with that client but make sure you get your compensation from him.
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"Ain't that the truth. I read a couple dozen of Yoda's past post not too long ago as a act of amusement. He hasn't contributed anything of use... ever, in this forum. That's probably indicative of how he is in life... nothing of value. Sad."

You got my number alright! I was thinking how cool it would be to go to Hati and help those poor people out and then 3 seconds later I was thinking how sick and tired I am of hearing about this Hati disaster. Im a dirty rotten S.O.B yes I am. What kind of low life must I be to find something wrong with folks giving away those MA plans and getting paid for it? You could get somebody killed sticking them on one of those MA plans did you ever think about that? Do you care?:1err:
"Will someone quote the moron; I'm pretty sure he is talking to me.

Having that punk on ignore is the best thing..."

I got to tell you Gordo........Ive dealt with a couple of clients today that could see your spindlyness and whineyness and raise you.......but go ahead give me what you got.:1mad: