How Long . . .


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
is your initial (qualifying) interview with a prospect? Minutes, hours . . .?

Is your first contact by phone, email or in person?

Who initiates the contact? You or them?

Are these cold or warm prospects?

Do you normally close on the first contact or does the same come during a follow up visit? How many contacts does it take, on average, to get the order? How much time elapses between your initial contact and taking the app?

Are most of your prospects T65 or do they currently have a Medicare plan and are just looking to change?

There are no right or wrong answers. This is not open for debate. I am just curious how others work their business.
My initial interview is usually 10-15 min. They have already attended my medicare 101 webinar or watched a pre-recorded one.

I call them by phone.

they find my webinar by RSVPing on Facebook.
So I guess it’s me who initiates contact. Not sure.

They are cold whey they attend my webinar and hot by the time i talk to them personally.

Typically my first phone call is to fact find. Then, when they are three months from t65, I call them to help enroll in Medicare. Two weeks later I call again to sign up. So, probably 3 phone calls totaling about an hour.
is your initial (qualifying) interview with a prospect? Minutes, hours . . .?

Is your first contact by phone, email or in person?

Who initiates the contact? You or them?

Are these cold or warm prospects?

Do you normally close on the first contact or does the same come during a follow up visit? How many contacts does it take, on average, to get the order? How much time elapses between your initial contact and taking the app?

Are most of your prospects T65 or do they currently have a Medicare plan and are just looking to change?

There are no right or wrong answers. This is not open for debate. I am just curious how others work their business.
Hopefully no one is cold calling. That is illegal and an agent can be fined or have license suspended.
My system is similar to Chazm's except I don't do seminars nor webinars.

I divide everyone into two groups. T65 and ages 67-78 with specific filters.

On my initial phone call I emphasize that I only want information. I verify dob, address and get their email.

My crm is set up to send out an SOA as soon as I hang up. To everybody. Including FE and other types of insurance.

Next step is a couple of emails then a second call with my crm sending a fillable form asking for medical history, medications, doctors, etc.

Once they return all that I can pretty much do what I want.
Not true. You can cold call all day long as long as it's not MA. You can cold call OM and supplements all you want with two exceptions. UHC does not allow any cold calling for Medicare. Neither does the state of Ohio.
Well if you cold call someone to talk about Medicare, they are at some point gonna want to talk about MAPD and PDP. If you talk about that it is a bait and switch. In fact if you cold call someone and represent companies who offer PDP and MAPD that is illegal to talk to them. CMS is cracking down on cold calling. I learned this information from Chalen at Senior marketing specialist.
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Well it you cold call someone to talk about Medicare, they are at some point gonna want to talk about MAPD and PDP. If you talk about that it is a bait and switch. In fact if you cold call someone and represent companies who offer PDP and MAPD that is illegal to talk to them. CMS is cracking down on cold calling. I learned this information from Chalen at Senior marketing specialist.
You might want to go back and read my response to @somarco 's post. I just told you how you do it.

Cold calling has nothing to do with the companies you represent.
CMS is not cracking down on cold calling. It's not within their authority.
CMS can only regulate MA. The states regulate OM.

I don't know who Chalen is but somebody needs to go back to school.
they find my webinar by RSVPing on Facebook.

Are you advertising on FB (paid) or do they find it generically?

You say "RSVPing" . . . so are you inviting them to watch your webinar?

Thanks for the feedback
You have a list or are you advertising on FB or other social media? How are you initiating contact?
No FB or any social media. Thought about it but decided not to.

Haven't bought a list in awhile but won't hesitate if I need to.

Mostly referrals and business owners. Don't forget I worked that market for years.

As far as initial contact, it's a combination of things. My website or I simply pick up the phone and call them. I'm old. I'm cranky. Screw the FTC.