How Many Leads Do I Have to Buy to Make 1 Sale? DM Leads

I work with my call-center group to handle an hour or two of following up on NSFs, etc., to see what the deal is. I will make the call back if necessary. Yes - when you are doing 15+ apps a week, be prepared to do between 4 and 8 hours of administrative work weekly to get everything processed. Just hope to God you are a detail-oriented person. ---------- 90% of the time, I table all my apps until the end of the week (Saturdays and Sundays) to completely scrub and fill in what was missed - process takes me 3-5 hours, generally-speaking.

Saw what you did there. Funny. :-)
I think this question is a million dollar question!!
What type of leads are you buying??
From what source are you getting them from and what area of the country are you in??
Leads can be the most valuable asset you can get to help get you in front of a prospective client. But it all depends on how they were generatered. If they filled out a form and mailed it back to that IMO company, chances are you will have a decent opportunity in contacting them, setting an appointment and writing a policy for them in their desirable situation. But there are still a whole lot of variables that come into play. And it is a numbers game.