How Many OFF Exchange Enrollees?

80% off exchange and about 20% on. What I am most interested in is how many people who enrolled on exchange plans will actually still be enrolled in 3-4 months. I had 2 termination notices for exchange clients this morning due to non payment. Could be oversights, but I can't help but think that a fairly substantial number of people will just stop paying and end up losing their coverage even if they were subsidized.

Additionally, how many of the 7 million who signed up for Obamacrap actually got a carrier sponsored plan versus Medicaid? That's an important number and one that isn't being openly shared.
Additionally, how many of the 7 million who signed up for Obamacrap actually got a carrier sponsored plan versus Medicaid? That's an important number and one that isn't being openly shared.

The latest analysis is indicating that 7.1 million placed an ObamaCare plan in their shopping cart. How many will pay? About 83%. Millions more people purchased plans at Health Insurance websites, after obtaining subsidy eligibility at the marketplace. That is how every agent I know assisted Subsidy-Eligible applicants their plan purchases. Are these, and the Non-Subsidized applicants who purchased at Insurance Company (and e-health) websites included in the 7.1 million? Could be. It would depend on how frequently private insurers send their enrollment reports to CMS/HHS.

Medicaid enrollment is on top of that 7.1 million. It's estimated at a little over 4 million thus far. My state expanded Medicaid. There were 315,000 Medicaid Enrollees compared to only 180,000 shoppers. Medicaid is open for enrollment 365 days a year.

Occasionally, the Huffington Post has a decent article. Today, their business section did a good job of summarizing the current state of ObamaCare.
Link: 5 Things The Obamacare Enrollment Numbers Won't Tell You
98% Off Exchange, everyone else can have as many of the On Exchange business as they want, I don't want any part of it now or in the future...


Why would you care if it was on or off? Anybody else want to answer this. I seriously don't know why you would?

Why would you care if it was on or off? Anybody else want to answer this. I seriously don't know why you would?

Off exchange business clients are paying there own way, and probably will continue as long as possible. A lot of agents see them as more stable clients long term for other insurance products, and renewals that they can count on.

Exchange clients may get a job, lose a job, get married, get divorced, go to jail. They can do all of this in a span of 6 months.
Off exchange business clients are paying there own way, and probably will continue as long as possible. A lot of agents see them as more stable clients long term for other insurance products, and renewals that they can count on.

Exchange clients may get a job, lose a job, get married, get divorced, go to jail. They can do all of this in a span of 6 months.

WOW. Really? That's a pretty big stretch for a family of four making under $90K.

My primary reasons were:

1. I don't work in that market. 90% of my client base are referrals from (or begin) with financial planners. By definition, they aren't going to be subsidy eligible

2. I don't live in an area that has a high amount of subsidy eligible people (either does Tater, but we went at this differently). I also live in an area surrounded by people who hate Obama, Obamacare and anything to do with it. I had subsidy eligible people who went indy, but refused the subsidy.

3. I assumed (and was proven right) that was going to be a major PIA. I didn't want to deal with it for 2014. I wrote some towards the end (off referrals). I still have 4 to go.

I saw a 20% income increase between Dec and Jan. That was enough. I plan to have a totally different approach for 2015 and will be writing and advertising for exchange.

Its not good or bad. Its how you went at it.

Why would you care if it was on or off? Anybody else want to answer this. I seriously don't know why you would?

I hope you are kidding. Off exchange is so much easier and better, for selling and servicing.

My OFF exchange clients: applied in 10 minutes, I am listed as agent, instantly approved, paid their premiums, got their cards, didn't have to calculate income, or disclose their whole life to the gov't, easy to service, easy to change address, cancel the policy, see a doctor in a huge and better network, etc. etc.

My ON exchange clients: have a risk of clawback, had risk the gov't file was received by carrier, hope I'm listed as agent, can't change an address, can't get a bill in the mail, can't get the check posted to account, haven't received an insurance card, have a slimmed down network, can't change policies in OEP, couldn't log in, took 45-hr to apply with faulty website.

You just wait, this is the pure 80/20 rule. 20% of my business is On exchange, and has ALREADY demanded 80% of my servicing time. The nightmare service issues will me.

Change of address: must do with AND the carrier.
Spouse goes on Medicare who is the primary - how do you handle
I can't even add in an apartment number
It's difficult to add a child

On and on and on..........