How Many OFF Exchange Enrollees?

Bill is so right.

I'm trying to get a child added right now. Does it really need to be this difficult?
I hope you are kidding. Off exchange is so much easier and better, for selling and servicing.

My OFF exchange clients: applied in 10 minutes, I am listed as agent, instantly approved, paid their premiums, got their cards, didn't have to calculate income, or disclose their whole life to the gov't, easy to service, easy to change address, cancel the policy, see a doctor in a huge and better network, etc. etc.

My ON exchange clients: have a risk of clawback, had risk the gov't file was received by carrier, hope I'm listed as agent, can't change an address, can't get a bill in the mail, can't get the check posted to account, haven't received an insurance card, have a slimmed down network, can't change policies in OEP, couldn't log in, took 45-hr to apply with faulty website.

You just wait, this is the pure 80/20 rule. 20% of my business is On exchange, and has ALREADY demanded 80% of my servicing time. The nightmare service issues will me.

Change of address: must do with AND the carrier.
Spouse goes on Medicare who is the primary - how do you handle
I can't even add in an apartment number
It's difficult to add a child

On and on and on..........

My viewpoint exactly. Some regions of the country are entirely different, but here in AZ we had significantly fewer people qualify for subsidies than we had anticipated. We have the lowest cost benchmark plan (2nd lowest cost Silver) in the nation.

As KGMom219 stated, my natural market isn't subsidy eligible, either.

As for short and long-term planning for my business model, off-exchange was a better choice for me, too. Exchange plans are more work. Off exchange has a much higher probability of staying on the books, buying other products, and it is a lot less work.

I wrote 4 exchange policies, and the rest were off-exchange. But I discussed subsidy eligibility with every single one of them. That's just the way it worked out for me, probably because my current book and referrals from that current book were mostly non-subsidy eligible or decided to keep their current plan. I will have more subsidy eligible folks, though, when these pre-ACA plans end.
1 hour? Yes, 1 fricken do what? change 1 letter in the last name of a client that did an ON exchange app over the phone with

It took me 1 hour to call Cigna to say no problem, we can change it, to then be told by broker services that we have to call, to then call and sit on hold to change 1 fricken letter of her last name.

Then, come to find out that the first 30 policies I write with Cigna came through with my NPN number just fine, then the last 2 that were done on the 28th of march had no agent attached. You better make sure you are the agent on your policies done in the last week of OEP, what once worked flawlessly, now is broken.
racism...there is your answer.... some like get toe.... and others take offense to it


I guess I wasn't thinking of it that way. I used the exchange as a convenient way to write the business. I hope I didn't misinterpret the results from a paper app or exchange app. There could be a few bucks difference in premium also.

I've just assumed the challenged neighborhoods were being signed up using a more public service minded operation from the city or such. Plus, like AnnH said further down, there is a big difference in regions. No ghettos in Iowa.

After 26 years of calling on small business I have a pretty wide spectrum of clientel, a lot of it being from referrals and I'm not going to turn a loyal client away bacause it is more work for me. I did not prospect for Obamacare at all.

I had 100% pay their first month and expect no one to lapse. We have a Republican gov in Iowa who I believe may have been responsible for a decent commission for the agent, so I was very happy to get paid for saving my book.

It's not over yet but by the end of the week I should be on the golf course where I belong.
~85% off exchange here.... 15% on.

There's no comparison between the ease of application and servicing with OFF exchange plans vs ON. It's a joke trying to get something fixed. If it's On-exchange, a carrier (BCBS in this case) won't fix anything until .gov tells them to do so. Like an effective date that was erroneously pushed back.
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