- 11,997
Sorry Josh not a chance. I have been involved in SEO since day one. They have no access to your server stats. Not possible. Please cite sources if you think otherwise. They don't track back buttons as far as I know. I have hundreds of sites on page one and it has absolutely nothing to do with time spent on a page.
That's certainly one take on it. If I might make a suggestion, you may want to tone it down a notch or two.
Google may very well not have access to your server stats, google does have 100% access to their own information. If a user is searching for "how to change oil in a motorcycle" then google knows very well when the user is on their site (google.com). If a user searches for "how to change oil in a motorcycle" and visits a site, google can tell when they come back and come to the next site down the list of search results.
To your comment of having hundreds of sites "on page one" and that "it has absolutely nothing to do with time spent on a page", google definitely disagrees with you on that point. Google can absolutely measure it. I take it sense you've been around "since day one", you're familiar with how cookies can be used to log and track information? Google recently had an update to their privacy policy and it may be a good opportunity for folks to review it:
Privacy Policy â€" Policies & Principles â€" Google
Advertising privacy FAQ â€" Policies & Principles â€" Google
Every time a user goes to google.com and puts in a search then reviews the information, they're giving all of that information to google, including how long folks are spending on the site. In fact, they may very well still have a cookie in their browser that is telling the big G what pages they are visiting on your site while they're there.
In fact, let's take a look at another interesting piece of the puzzle:
Google Chrome vs. Internet Explorer: Microsoft's Browser Loses Weekend Download Battle
Google Overtakes Internet Explorer As Most Popular Browser - Business Insider
Google Chrome is the browser of choice for most internet users at this point. Google absolutely has access to the information running through the browser they designed themselves and that attaches itself to a google account.
Whether you believe it or not, your rankings have been impacted by how long folks have stayed on your site and that's a trend that is likely to continue as the big G has a constant push towards providing a quality user experience by driving search engines users to quality sites that they stay on.