How seasonal is the Senior Market?

It might, if you can deal with the headaches of medicare then you should do fine. I would stay clear of the MA's and PFFS plans.

Nah, you mentioned MA's and PFFS plans find above your exact quote. So what do you mean when you say "stay clear"? I thought you were alluding to stay away.:no:
Holy cow...I have been busy pushing fiberglass (since corvettes are not steel...well they have some steel before I get corrected) and I have 1163 posts to catch up on!

The senior market has been very good to me. I have not gotten a lead from anyone in about 3 weeks and I have sold about 9 MA plans, and I have 2 more lined up next week.

Now for some of you, that would be horrible. But for me that is great since all in all I am working about 1/2 a day a week at insurance for the past 3 weeks.

How? Referrals and older leads that I met with have been calling me.

Seasonal? I do not think so. While I mainly sell MA plans, I do have supps in my bag, I am just in a MA rich city (HMO's and PPO's). We have numerous SNP, SEP (MO RX) and Medicaid people who can now get regular MA plans.
I think it also depends on what state you are in....up here in NY we have a pffs that is widely accepted across the state. It is rare that I run into provider relations problems. As far as being seasonal, I average about 25 MA's per month in the summer. I do alot of networking and prospecting.

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