I have a low income group of apartments with a VERY knowledgeable Coordinator (Former case worker with the State)
She went on a crusade to get her 200+ residents appropriate Advantage plans--and I was timely and helpful and have enrolled a number of her residents
She called today and has two residents that need FE--and she said "Why don't we do it just like Medicare--have a meeting and then sign up those that want it"
I heard myself say yes then on the way home I realized--its NOT like Medicare where its all canned---it sounds like a great opportunity but have no idea how to structure a presentation
Surely you Wise Men of the East have delivered for Frankincense and Myrrh for the season and can give me some ideas where to find some good materials?
She went on a crusade to get her 200+ residents appropriate Advantage plans--and I was timely and helpful and have enrolled a number of her residents
She called today and has two residents that need FE--and she said "Why don't we do it just like Medicare--have a meeting and then sign up those that want it"
I heard myself say yes then on the way home I realized--its NOT like Medicare where its all canned---it sounds like a great opportunity but have no idea how to structure a presentation
Surely you Wise Men of the East have delivered for Frankincense and Myrrh for the season and can give me some ideas where to find some good materials?