How to Avoid APS?

Not if you properly field underwrite each candidate.

APS's with simplified issue whole life products usually results when there is something screwy in the MIB.

If you get something screwy on a POS call, then call Aetna and get 'er done.

Good info, thanks. 20 characters
I know you were looking for a serious answer. But it just happens. I have been selling insurance for 8 years and its just part of writing business. People seem to always leave the bad health off the apps. no matter how hard you try to convince them that the more info on a health problem they give you the better chance the have of being approved faster. they try to slip through the cracks.
The only company I ever had that wanted an APS was Baltimore Life. Every case. So I quit writing them. Plus they were more expensive than any of my other carriers.
So you would have continued using your most expensive carrier except for the fact they wanted an APS?


I write two policies with them because they were liberal with certain health conditions. But balt life wouldn't do the aps or mib. They required the client to get the aps and mail it in. It was still a graded product for them, so I just went with kemper instead. I no longer write either company. Have Better carriers now.