How to convert business from seminars?

The part About never following up with them is foreign to me…it goes against everything ice ever known with sales. I feel like im wasting my time if I don't follow up/contact them.

Goes against the way I was trained as well . . . didn't take me long to figure out that doesn't work.

Be the first one to contact the, call several times over the next few days, blah, blah . . .

Everyone has caller ID now. Eventually they block your call or just stop answering . . . because you are a PEST and a desperate one at that.

If you give them GOOD, USEFUL information they will remember that and come back.

Everyone else is pressuring them to buy and buy NOW.

But I am not.

I even tell them, if you have questions, call or email. If I don't hear from you in a few weeks I will close your file. Sometimes I even send a "closing your file" email and that usually gets them off the dime and they call with some lame excuse like their cat died and they couldn't call.

When you chase them, you lose.

When they chase you, both of you win.

Deer hunters track down the game and shoot them.

Fishermen toss the bait out and wait on the fish to come to them.

Fishing takes patience.
Thanks for the help, you've given some great ideas that I want to explore. The part About never following up with them is foreign to me…it goes against everything ice ever known with sales. I feel like im wasting my time if I don't follow up/contact them. I guess im just worried that these people will find one piece of mail or one agent that DOES pester them, and to relieve that pain they'll use this other person/company and not me
Lack of follow-up works with Medicare because people need to make a decision. That's why I disagree with people that say setting appointments 9m out is a bit too long.

They consider an appointment the sale. That's inaccurate. It's just a time to talk to them and get them familiar with you. I've had people that call me two years as after we initially spoke and I told them they didn't need me yet.

I'm not desperate. I'm an expert. They'll come to you because they trust you not to mess around.