How to convert business from seminars?

I like the idea of the early appointment/phone call Instead of waiting months before making an appointment. Would this be a good time to get some basic information from them and their situation, maybe generally explain what it looks like for them when it is time to enroll? Then do a full appointment 3 months from their bday (if they are actually retiring at that point)?

I would set expectations and gather information, but my question concerning Medicare first individual contact is always "what questions do YOU have about Medicare?"

You want them talking about their concerns. When you're systematically removing their pain points, they're building trust.

I know there's a lot of controversy about this, but I don't like to sell DHV... they're going to inevitably ask about it...

Unless there's a really good reason, I explain to them my philosophy about DHV and I tell them that they want to insure the big stuff, and maybe not the smaller stuff... but if they want, I'll take their money.

It usually makes them laugh and that's the response I want. I want them to know I'm not trying to just use them as a sale. That builds trust.
"what questions do YOU have about Medicare?"

That is a good way to start, by asking a question, and I guess that works for you.

I tried that approach early on and, more often than not, the response was "I don't know enough about it to ask questions".

Fair enough, so I flipped the question and rephrased it to allow them to tell me what they believe is true about Medicare.

Either way, as long as the agent is asking questions in a way as to find out what is really on their mind.
That is a good way to start, by asking a question, and I guess that works for you.

I tried that approach early on and, more often than not, the response was "I don't know enough about it to ask questions".

Fair enough, so I flipped the question and rephrased it to allow them to tell me what they believe is true about Medicare.

Either way, as long as the agent is asking questions in a way as to find out what is really on their mind.
I think that's reasonable. I do get that sometimes.

Another question I like to ask is "What's the most important thing to you about your health insurance?"

As you said, getting them to talk is the most important thing... not getting them to listen to you talk.
Yes indeedy. Get their doctors and Rx. Figure out if they're leaning Supp or MAPD. Pre-sell the plan now and then 3-months out write it. Give them a business card magnet. Warn them about all of the phone calls and BRC mail they will get blown up with over the next X number of months.

You want them to feel, as absolutely early as possible, that they have a 'guy' and don't need to pay much attention to all of the incoming noise.

Are you having them fill out a PTC form at your workshop? Make sure you have Address:_____________________________ on it.

Also, can come in pretty handy.

Thank you very much, makes a lot of sense to me. I love the magnet card idea too. Gonna keep at it and implement some of these changes. And thanks for that website!!

Yes, we do hand out PTC forms. We do have an address field (we have first/last name, address, County, phone, email, a section where they can checkmark what their current situation is, and a "how was this workshop comment section"), but people pick and choose what they want to fill out it seems. Get a lot of emails, but no phone numbers. Get phone numbers, but no addresses (then no one answers the phone GRRRR).
How are the attendees contacted and informed about the seminar? There must be some form of information about them.

Via snail mail on a post card. BUT we dont have their addresses. I supposed I could ask for the list of the addresses they sent the mail to.

We are given their phone number, email when they respond to register to the event, we arent in control of that process the company takes care of that part.
I would set expectations and gather information, but my question concerning Medicare first individual contact is always "what questions do YOU have about Medicare?"

You want them talking about their concerns. When you're systematically removing their pain points, they're building trust.

I know there's a lot of controversy about this, but I don't like to sell DHV... they're going to inevitably ask about it...

Unless there's a really good reason, I explain to them my philosophy about DHV and I tell them that they want to insure the big stuff, and maybe not the smaller stuff... but if they want, I'll take their money.

It usually makes them laugh and that's the response I want. I want them to know I'm not trying to just use them as a sale. That builds trust.

That's a good idea about the first contact. I actually forgot about this aspect of selling. Maybe I was too focused on the information part and not enough pain point and solution based approach.

I actually dont like DVH either. Haven't sold one. Too confusing and seem like they never Pay much.
Via snail mail on a post card. BUT we dont have their addresses. I supposed I could ask for the list of the addresses they sent the mail to.

We are given their phone number, email when they respond to register to the event, we arent in control of that process the company takes care of that part.

I never trusted a mailing house that would not reveal the particulars of the list.

Consider ordering your own list and supplying to the mailing house. The more steps you control in the process the better it is for you.

If they are providing the list you have no idea how fresh the list is, the selection criteria, how often that list is mailed and resold to other brokers, etc.

Who are you using to handle the list & mailing?
Oh ok…so if they're that far out and you make an appointment asap, what do you do? Just get their situation and make another appointment for later?
You can write them UHC med-supp. They will take them up to a year out. You won't get paid on it til 3 months before it starts but you've got a commitment from them. Also, stay in touch after writing them.
Via snail mail on a post card. BUT we dont have their addresses. I supposed I could ask for the list of the addresses they sent the mail to.

We are given their phone number, email when they respond to register to the event, we arent in control of that process the company takes care of that part.
fire that mail house.