How Trump gave insurance companies free rein to sell bad health plans

Northeast Agent

1000 Post Club
How Trump gave insurance companies free rein to sell bad health plans

These policies were the kind of skimpy, low-grade plans that Obamacare had sought to marginalize, if not outright eliminate. And for a time, the law did just that.

Then Donald Trump became president.

Trump entered the White House promising to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the landmark health care reform bill that became law in 2010. He spent most of his first year in office trying to push various repeal plans through Congress. Those attempts largely failed, except for the repeal of the individual mandate that was included in the tax legislation Congress passed in December 2017.
Admittedly, Oklahoma has such awful rates because of the lowest state subsidy, I sold one of the junk plans myself.

It keeps me up at night but we're stuck now till end of the year
Crap indemnity plans never really went away under Obamacare. They morphed into something SLIGHTLY different and were SUPPOSED to be sold ONLY to folks who had an Obamacare plan as their primary coverage.

I don't know if it was ever enforced.

Since they never went away Trump did not open the door to junk plans. Obama never really closed that loophole.
Lawmakers have no idea.

I have had 2 clients that would have died under an obamacare HMO plan, but lived with an STM PPO plan due to having access to the best providers in nationwide facilities, and both had all claims paid out accordingly by stm
How Trump gave insurance companies free rein to sell bad health plans

These policies were the kind of skimpy, low-grade plans that Obamacare had sought to marginalize, if not outright eliminate. And for a time, the law did just that.

Then Donald Trump became president.

Trump entered the White House promising to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, the landmark health care reform bill that became law in 2010. He spent most of his first year in office trying to push various repeal plans through Congress. Those attempts largely failed, except for the repeal of the individual mandate that was included in the tax legislation Congress passed in December 2017.
The author is either not knowledgeable or is being disingenuous seeking a way to blame Trump. The reason these plans exist is because Manhattan Life took on the federal government in court while other insurers rolled over and played dead.. This didn't just apply to the plans the article talks about but all ancillary indemnity plans. And, it happened while Obama was still in office.