How Was Your January


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I'm curious how everyone's month went as far as new business. Is the economy affecting business one way or the other or is it humming along as usual? If the economy hasn't had an impact on your business yet then insurance might be the place to be. Most people I know who are in business for themselves are down at LEAST 20%.

Are you in life or health?
January was a good month for me. Over 100k in AV. I'll take that every month!
Better than expected. For my first month in business, I didn't really think I was going to get much of anything done, but I submitted...well, not much, but enough to keep me floating along.
My January was decent (35 apps approved) but only 1 so far for Feb.
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BTW- I do mostly individual/family health plans.
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This is fitting for this post, Tim Holt (HSA for America agent I trained) just sent me an email that he did $209,000.00 in AV in January, and $168K in December.

Sounds kind of slow if you ask me . . .
Had the best January for IFP in my lfe. Did over $50K. (Need to give props to Rob Liano for his help).

Of course, this is the first year in many that I haven't focused on seniors.
