How Would You Rather Pay for Your Website?

Cash up front or Monthly fee

  • Cash up front

    Votes: 6 75.0%
  • Monthly fee

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
I'm struggling to see why anything regarding websites justifies recurring fees unless the webmaster is doing a ton of updates.

To pay a monthly fee and have to do your own updates is...well...totally insane. There should be only two fees that recur; domain renewals and hosting.
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My bad, I mis-read the poll question and probably answered incorrectly.

As Johnny said, only domain and hosting should be recurring.

Website design and implementation should be paid for once.

Updates should be paid for as needed if done by someone other than the owner.

If the owner is savvy enough to update his own site, then he should not be charged for that. If I change my own oil, I wouldn't pay for an oil change even if I bought my oil at Jiffy Lube.

No-brainer. My two cents. (You get what you pay for).

Happy Easter!