What kind of t65 Mail Drop did you do?
Just a Generic mailer 4-7 months out saying I'm a hometown agent and will explain all the benefits they're eligible for . I listed my # a tear off card to mail back . I have a appt setter pounding them for appts . If they don't respond she's texts them a pic of card they filled out . If still no response i door knock them. I also bought the list and I'll door knock the 6 closest names of the list with a copy of my card mailed .Its usually a pink card so they might recall it . " Mrs Jones you recently received this card in the mail about your up coming enrollment in medicare . I know you've gotten 1000 letters and cards. I know you're probably confused . I'm a local agent who lives near here and i help folks navigate the crazy maze. I go through all your options and help you apply for medicare . Takes about 5 min's to go over your options . We can sit right there" . I'm not trying to sell them anything . I'm just going over how to get medicare and their options. I trying to form a connection .I'm stressing i'm local and always answer my phone. I give them a medicare card holder for their future card . Its a shit ton of work and those are longer term enrollments but it works. I dropped 10 k pieces .
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