- 30,996
What about leaving money to take care of the cat that pissed all over his couch?Lol
Me: So, you know this benefit is to help cover your final expenses when you pass?
Prospect: Yes.
Me: Who would you like to take care of things for you when you're gone?
Prospect: I don't know.
Me: Most people choose a brother or sister, or perhaps their kids.
Prospect: My brothers and sisters are all dead. My kids are dead.
Me: Well maybe a friend? Is there anyone important to you that you could trust?
Prospect: No. I'm all alone. I don't have any friends. My brother's children are all dead.
Me: Ok. So if you died today, who would they notify?
Prospect: .......
Me: So you would just be dead until someone discovered you?
Prospect: Nobody cares about me.
Me: Perhaps your church could help?
Prospect: *grumbles*
At that point there is nothing left to do but leave.