I Demand John Galt Be Unbanned

I think only a thread or two have been moved to Fight Club recently. Fight Club allowed the keyboard pugilist to virtually smack each other around out of the public eye. Fight Club has gone to the boobs now.

And I commend you for those contributions :)
Yea back in time some of the fights were funny. This wasn't a place for the thin skinned.
This place is super-boring without his meaningful contributions.

Speak of the devil and he will surely show up LOL, 1st day of the unban and also my birthday! LOL

Hope you all are having a great year.



Yea back in time some of the fights were funny. This wasn't a place for the thin skinned.

It is now LOL

Actually, bing and yahoo cached the whole thread...

I wonder how much traction a site would have if it had the "banned" content on it? If someone's been cataloging it, I'd be happy to host it. Maybe at my ***.com :D